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Check out the relaxing new trailer for the zen-puzzle game Unpacking

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Unpacking, an upcoming 'zen' puzzle experience from Witch Beam (prev Assault Android Cactus) gains a proper trailer to show some gameplay.

Due to release sometime next year for PC platforms, including Linux, it's all about the satisfying feeling of getting everything unpacked and in the right place. They say it's part "item Tetris" and part home decoration, and as you're doing so it you learn clues about the life you're unpacking. You do this across eight house moves too, although having to move eight times sounds anything but zen to me.

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Feature Highlight:

  • Unpack a home -- from a single bedroom to an entire house
  • Meditative gameplay with no timers, meters or score
  • Explore domestic environments with all their nooks and crannies while you stack plates, hang towels, and arrange bookshelves
  • Discover a character's story through the items that come with her to each new home (and the items that get left behind)
  • Soundtrack by BAFTA award-winning composer and audio director Jeff van Dyck

The trailer at least shows off a game that you I could happily have a coffee date with, it looks quite sweet. It's often these games that get you to do everyday-things, often the mundane repetitive tasks that end up sucking us in the most. Unpacking gives the feeling that I'm not going to want to put it down after I start it.

Considering just how incredible Assault Android Cactus was, I've no doubt this will be great too. I also find it somewhat amusing that they went from one of the most intense twin-sticks around, to one of the most chilled-out games ever. Always nice to see developers branch out.

You can follow Unpacking on Steam.

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I am the owner of GamingOnLinux. After discovering Linux back in the days of Mandrake in 2003, I constantly came back to check on the progress of Linux until Ubuntu appeared on the scene and it helped me to really love it. You can reach me easily by emailing GamingOnLinux directly.
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1 comment

Cheeseness Sep 9, 2020
I was doing a little testing on this a couple of days ago. It's very nice ^_^
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