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The Game Kitchen and Team17 have now delivered on their promise of official Linux (and macOS) support for Blasphemous as it's now available.

Set in a world where a foul curse has fallen upon the land simply known as The Miracle, which visibly and tangibly manifests peoples "guilt, repentance, mourning and every pain of the soul of all kind". You play as The Penitent One, sole survivor of a massacre known as the Silent Sorrow. Trapped in an endless cycle of death and rebirth, it’s down to you to free the world from this terrible fate and reach the origin of your anguish. It sounds quite horrible but it sure does make for an engrossing setting.

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Feature Highlight:

  • Explore a Non-Linear World: Overcome fearsome enemies and deadly traps as you venture through a variety of different landscapes, and search for redemption in the dark gothic world of Cvstodia.
  • Brutal Combat: Release the power of Mea Culpa, a sword born from guilt itself, to slaughter your foes. Acquire devastating new combos and special moves as you purge all in your path.
  • Executions: Unleash your wrath and relish in the gory dismemberment of your adversaries - all in beautifully rendered, pixel-perfect execution animations.
  • Customise Your Build: Discover and equip Relics, Rosary Beads, Prayers and Sword Hearts to give you the new abilities and stat boosts you need to survive. Experiment with different combinations to suit your playstyle.
  • Intense Boss Battles: Hordes of gigantic, twisted creatures stand between you and your goal. Learn how they move, survive their devastating attacks and emerge victorious.
  • Unlock the Mysteries of Cvstodia: The world is full of tormented souls. Some offer you aid, some may ask for something in return. Uncover the stories and fates of these tortured characters to gain rewards and a deeper understanding of the dark world you inhabit.

They mentioned that the newly supported platforms are fully up to date with all the latest goodies too.

Note: we were sent a key by the developer some time ago. Performance seems wonderfully smooth, gamepad input works great with the Xbox One controller (working vibration and all). I did notice a minor issue with some missing gamepad prompts when it tells you how to access you inventory (bug report) and the map but it's perfect other than that. Looks like it was worth the wait and the port seems great. Certainly doesn't ease you into it, with a huge enemy jumping into screen within the first few minutes and wow - does it get intense quickly.

Pictured: the new Linux port of Blasphemous in action. Shortly before my first death.

Some games you pick up and you just get that instant feeling of a connection, Blasphemous gave me that right away. Not surprised it's seen such good reviews from other critics and users alike, this is going to be good. Challenging, sweat-inducing frantic action but what awesome world-building it has to get you pulled in right from the start.

You can buy it from Humble Store and Steam for a key, and hopefully at some point the Linux build will be up on GOG.

Article taken from GamingOnLinux.com.
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I am the owner of GamingOnLinux. After discovering Linux back in the days of Mandrake in 2003, I constantly came back to check on the progress of Linux until Ubuntu appeared on the scene and it helped me to really love it. You can reach me easily by emailing GamingOnLinux directly.
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ageres Sep 21, 2020
The game's folder is empty...
chui2ch Sep 21, 2020
Quoting: ageresThe game's folder is empty...
Did you restart steam? I downloaded it and got into the menu. I did not have time to play before work.
Cyril Sep 21, 2020
I'm waiting for the GOG release.
ageres Sep 21, 2020
Quoting: chui2chDid you restart steam? I downloaded it and got into the menu.
Restarting was effective, thanks.
scaine Sep 21, 2020
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Just bought this. Looking forward to giving it a shot tonight. Looks great!
ageres Sep 21, 2020
Frankly, I didn't like this game much when I played it with Proton. Too difficult, slow and simply boring. It looks good but it's painful to play it.
Ehvis Sep 21, 2020
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Quoting: Guest
Quoting: ageresFrankly, I didn't like this game much when I played it with Proton. Too difficult, slow and simply boring. It looks good but it's painful to play it.

Could you go into some more detail about what parts you found boring? I'm considering picking this up...I love Dark Souls and Metroid games so it sounds right for me.

Looking at the video, the movement looks somewhat slow. No doubt getting hit is a bit brutal, so I imagine it's all based on learning patterns and good timing. Kind of like Salt and Sanctuary. No doubt not for everyone.
kuhpunkt Sep 21, 2020
Quoting: Guest
Quoting: ageresFrankly, I didn't like this game much when I played it with Proton. Too difficult, slow and simply boring. It looks good but it's painful to play it.

Could you go into some more detail about what parts you found boring? I'm considering picking this up...I love Dark Souls and Metroid games so it sounds right for me.

I found the beginning to be a bit slow, but it gets way better. I'd absolutely recommend it.
Mnoleg Sep 21, 2020
Quoting: Liam Daweand hopefully at some point the Linux build will be up on GOG.
Fingers crossed.
Spoiler, click me
ageres Sep 21, 2020
Quoting: GuestCould you go into some more detail about what parts you found boring?
Lots of backtracking, lack of fast travel stations, slow movement speed. Every enemy can kill you easily, then you'll have to return to your corpse, Dark Souls-style, otherwise after every death you'll be getting less and less currency points, therefore more tiresome grinding. Janky platforming. Upgrades are useless. Most of things you'll find are lore text, uninteresting and hard to read. I'd recommend to play Hollow Knight instead. Or maybe Minoria, it is similar to Blasphemous in many aspects, but better. Read negative reviews on Steam, they explain defects of this game in detail. It should have been a platformer game, like Slain, IMO.
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