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Ayo the Clown is an upcoming adventure platformer from developer Cloud M1, it should be releasing this year and it looks so full of charm it could pop like a balloon at any moment.

Funded on Kickstarter back in September 2019 with 475 backers pledging $20,397 we totally missed this, it even had a Linux demo back then too. Cloud M1 said their take on the busy platformer genre is one that's supposed to "reintroduce you to the incredibly fun platformer games of the ‘90s where platforming is accompanied by an inspiring and memorable story". It has a pretty amazing style, one you can easily say is quite Nintendo-like.

See their original trailer below:

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Now that's a trailer that can get me interested in a game, it looks like a true delight.

Since it had been quite a long time since the Kickstarter, we reached out to the developer about Linux support. They confirmed over email that it's in Beta testing now and they do plan to release it for Linux. Unless major problems appear, it should arrive with Windows support sometime later this year.

Feature Highlight:

  • Unique Platforms- The most important part of any platform game, each stage has a unique theme and interesting platforms to ensure gaming is fun and not repetitive. Ayo is not the kind of clown to make the same old jokes over and over again. His jokes get better each time.
  • Huge Bosses and loads of enemies- Take on bosses bigger than life itself and prove that clowns are much tougher than they seem. Don’t be fooled by Ayo’s handsome look!
  • Arsenals- Tank, helicopter, toy hammer, balloon sword, water balloon, you name it. They can break open hidden places and extinguish fire...etc.
  • Skills- head stomp, wall jump, slope slide, and many more~
  • Side Quests- Plenty of side quests you can take on in Town or along the journey, be prepared for surprising rewards. Rubber Chicken anyone?
  • Collectibles- Can you find and collect all the hidden items throughout the game? Rubber chicken and fart bag anyone?

You can follow it on Steam.

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I am the owner of GamingOnLinux. After discovering Linux back in the days of Mandrake in 2003, I constantly came back to check on the progress of Linux until Ubuntu appeared on the scene and it helped me to really love it. You can reach me easily by emailing GamingOnLinux directly.
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1 comment

kokoko3k Sep 22, 2020
Very nice, really, wishlisted!
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