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Free and open source video recording and live streaming software OBS Studio version 26.0 is out now.

Pretty much all you need to get going with video content, OBS Studio being cross-platform and open source opened up a lot of options for Linux users when it arrived a few years ago. It's been great to see it flourish.

One of the bigger additions in this release is a new Noise Suppression filter with RNNoise. It should offer much better noise suppression than the original method. The same special tech that's used in Cadmus and NoiseTorch which really does work quite nicely. This is going to be a really great addition for people who want to do video content with OBS but have more background noises. I also quite like the new Source Toolbar above the Sources list, giving you quicker access to switch things around. This toolbar also has media controls for when you're playing other media.

Another currently Windows-only feature was added with support for a "Virtual Camera", which allows you to use the OBS output as a camera in other apps. They said support for other operating systems will be added when they're ready.

On top of new features, here's the notable Linux-specific fixes that came with OBS Studio 26.0:

  • Linux: Fixed an issue where the browser source could crash when browsing files
  • Linux: Fixed an issue with “always on top” sometimes not working with projectors
  • Linux: Fixed an issue where cameras using V4L2 would not respond correctly to pan/tilt controls
  • Linux: Fixed an issue where a user’s preferred language could not be detected correctly
  • Fixed camera controls on Linux video devices not working

Plenty of other improvements came with it, full release notes here.

For Linux you can grab it as a Snap package, which comes pre-loaded with tons of useful extras. Also available as a Flatpak package on Flathub, otherwise head here for other distro downloads.

Article taken from GamingOnLinux.com.
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I am the owner of GamingOnLinux. After discovering Linux back in the days of Mandrake in 2003, I constantly came back to check on the progress of Linux until Ubuntu appeared on the scene and it helped me to really love it. You can reach me easily by emailing GamingOnLinux directly.
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wvstolzing Oct 1, 2020
Quoting: scaine
Quoting: beko
Quoting: scaineYeah I... know? Like I said, I wish you could set it up in silent mode, and automatically start the replay buffer. Right now, you have start OBS, then press "start replay buffer". I'm just being lazy!
Do you know about obs-websocket? This may scratch your itch. Afair that's used by e.g. http://touch-portal.com/

Haha! I'm waaaaay too lazy to build my own launcher that hooks into OBS via websocket! Interesting though, I had no idea OBS was so easy to integrate with other platforms. Well, I say easy... well beyond my skillset.

FWIW, I (a silly amateur) had a baffling experience setting up a python client for obs-websocket, so that I could trigger some animations 'remotely'. The trouble was that not all controls are exposed to the websockets api; also the json files that are sent back & forth were a little too complex, with little in the way of documentation to explain how they're laid out.

(I eventually made something in JS that runs inside the browser using the amazing GSAP library, & talks to a python websocket server -- a lot easier to implement... but then again the browser doesn't work properly on Linux, so I had to use all this on windows. -- all for the purpose of injecting a couple of silly effects & animations over my weekly video chats with family that lives abroad, haha.)
wvstolzing Oct 2, 2020
On the topic of using OBS for video chat, I just got reminded of this, which is worth taking a look: https://obs.ninja/

The 'server' part of it does pretty much nothing (just some initial routing, IIRC), and in any case it can be self-hosted. I sort of 'tested' it only inside a LAN, where it worked very well; I don't know how it would behave on the internet though.
elmapul Oct 7, 2020
i dont know when, but the update is finally here on ubuntu 18.04 lts

it freaking works! but i have to speak loudly otherwise my voice is supressed too, the quality is not perfect, but i think the issue is mic related, in any case its an night and day difference to what i had before.

looks like i wont be need audacity to remove the noise anymore... and... maybe i dont need an mic, if i put an music in the background of the videos of my future channel...

holly shit! i turned on my fan that i use to cool down the computer, and guess what, the mic didnt captured the sound of the fan this time!
an mic that is embed to the notebook didnt get the sound of the external fan, thanks to this feature, now i'm really impressed!

Last edited by elmapul on 7 October 2020 at 3:34 pm UTC
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