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Tenderfoot Tactics looks like it really does put a fresh spin on tactical battling, with an open world and a deterministic combat system it could be great.

Releasing on October 21, you take control of a small party of adventurers granted magic by the friendly spirits of the archipelago. Your quest is to discover the truth and hopefully put an end to the terrible Fog - one vast, voiceless, and cruel spirit - has been eating the once-thick forests of the mainland

"Manipulate the elements to turn the battlefield to your advantage, but beware the consequences, as nature is complex and fickle. Open chasms, raise mountains, boil lakes, drain rivers. Start fires you later regret."

Check out the newest trailer below:

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Actually think this looks fantastic! A great mix of tactical battles and exploration, with a lush world that looks hand-painted as you travel by land, boat and something about surveying the land ahead as a bird to find the right path? Tenderfoot Tactics is one to watch.

You can follow it on Steam for release on October 21. There's also an older free prologue you can try out now available on

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I am the owner of GamingOnLinux. After discovering Linux back in the days of Mandrake in 2003, I constantly came back to check on the progress of Linux until Ubuntu appeared on the scene and it helped me to really love it. You can reach me easily by emailing GamingOnLinux directly.
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NoSt Sep 1, 2020
I checked out the demo of Tenderfoot Tactics during the last Steam Game Festival, and I rather liked it.
Don't be deceived by the visuals - this game has a pretty deep tactical system.
If you like games like Final Fantasy Tactics and Fell Seal: Arbiter's Mark, this one is definitely worth spending time on.
Schattenspiegel Sep 1, 2020
Jepp, the demo was pretty good and the world quite intriguing. Hope the had time to improve a little the controls compared to then, but this one definitely is on the shopping list.
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