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The first Life is Strange 2 episode is now permanently free

By - | Views: 13,800

Have you been on the fence about picking up Life is Strange 2? Well, now you have a much better chance to take a look at it. DONTNOD Entertainment have now made the entire first episode permanently free to grab.

"After a tragic incident, brothers Sean and Daniel Diaz run away from home. Fearing the police, and dealing with Daniel's newly manifested telekinetic power – the power to move objects with your mind – the boys decide to travel to their father's hometown of Puerto Lobos in Mexico for safety."

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Feature Highlight:

  • Award Winning Story-Telling
  • Daniel is always learning from Sean – and what you teach him has far-reaching consequences.
  • Stunning visuals and hand-painted textures.
  • Emotive original soundtrack from Jonathan Morali, composer of the original Life is Strange - plus licensed tracks from Phoenix, The Streets, Sufjan Stevens, Bloc Party, First Aid Kit, and more.

An interesting move, and they did the same with the original Life is Strange. Likely as a result of them trying to gather interesting for their next title, Twin Mirror, which will be on consoles and the Epic Store.

You can now pick it up free on Steam. If you decide you like it you can then pick up the full bundle or episodes individually. If you wish to support Feral Interactive who ported it to Linux, it's also on their store where they get a bigger cut of the sales.

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I am the owner of GamingOnLinux. After discovering Linux back in the days of Mandrake in 2003, I constantly came back to check on the progress of Linux until Ubuntu appeared on the scene and it helped me to really love it. You can reach me easily by emailing GamingOnLinux directly.
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BlooAlien Sep 18, 2020
Sweet. The first one was awesome.
Eike Sep 18, 2020
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Quoting: BlooAlienSweet. The first one was awesome.

Be prepared that the second LiS is different.
Still a Life is Strange, still awesome IMHO, but different.
vskye Sep 18, 2020
Bought it already. lol
chrisq Sep 20, 2020
Life is strange was too long, drawn out and boring.
If this is similar I don't recommend.
starpollo Sep 20, 2020
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This is great! I loved LIS2, it felt much more cohesive than the first game, the two main characters are great, and the way they develop with your choices feel really tangible.. plus the removal of the "rewind time" mechanic puts the consequences back in your choices (thank goodness!).

Highly recommended, give it a shot!

Last edited by starpollo on 20 September 2020 at 11:41 pm UTC
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