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Unrailed! is a brilliant and often incredibly frantic co-op game - out now

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Unrailed! from Indoor Astronaut and Daedalic Entertainment has now left Early Access as a finished and highly entertaining co-op experience all about keeping a train going as long as you can.

Chop trees, mine for iron and get building. Simple mechanics but it quickly becomes absolute chaos. As you progress and stop at each station for a quick breather and upgrade, the train will then set off slightly quicker than your last run. The train will catch fire, llamas will come along and drink all your water, a thief will steal your resources and so much more. Unrailed! is a game of constant movement and it really is hilarious.

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It's certainly not as simple as it might sound. Unrailed! is a game about communication, and how a lack of it can lead to some pretty amusing situations and a total train-wreck. While it is a co-op game you can play it with an AI bot, which actually does the job quite well. Ridiculously well at times actually, the bot can be really fast but it does need your constant directions with a little emoji-style menu. Even playing with just a bot, it's surprisingly good and feels like a different game. However, it's nowhere near as fun without a partner to chat with and yell at. I absolutely adore it.

There's plenty of obstacles in your way including water that will need a bridge built across, mountains you cannot mine through and plenty more. There's a day and night cycle too, which makes things difficult when you can't see very far and if your train is moving quickly - thinking speed here is critical. Thankfully, there's plenty of upgrades to help a long the way. At each station you can buy new wagons like a light, an auto-miner, a better engine and so on. It can get quite repetitive though, since you're largely doing the same thing without too much variation in the basics. Even so, it's thoroughly entertaining to do it.

You need a good rhythm going and to stick to it. Know what your place is and what each member of your team is going to be responsible for. That's really the key to getting further into it. Thankfully, the Easy mode really is quite Easy, even when your partner is terrible at games as the train starts off ridiculously slow.

With the simple core loop, Unrailed! is whatever you make of it. Thanks to how the game progresses forwards, it's really different each time you play it. You don't know what's going to be in your way, your upgrade choices will affect everything and each biome presents something new on top of that.

Feature Highlight:

  • An intense and chaotic railroad construction experience
  • Online and local couch co-op multiplayer
  • Procedurally generated worlds with different difficulty levels
  • Dynamic weather system & day and night cycle
  • Game modes: Endless, Quick (up to 4 players) and Versus (2 vs 2 players)
  • Distinct biomes (5+)
  • A bunch of upgradable wagons (10+) to modify your train in Endless mode
  • Unlockable characters

The big 1.0 release pulls in a new biome to build through, a "Kids" difficulty mode if Easy was still to difficult, an Extreme difficulty mode if you like to be punished, a new wagon to attach to your train, new characters and something that looks like another wagon but they kept it secret so you just have to find out.

Absolutely brilliant fun. Great for anyone. You can buy Unrailed! on Humble Store and Steam.

Article taken from GamingOnLinux.com.
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I am the owner of GamingOnLinux. After discovering Linux back in the days of Mandrake in 2003, I constantly came back to check on the progress of Linux until Ubuntu appeared on the scene and it helped me to really love it. You can reach me easily by emailing GamingOnLinux directly.
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