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As we mentioned previously the Linux Application Summit will be happening online this November 12 - 14, and it seems one Linux game porter will be attending.

The event, sponsored by open source consulting firm Collabora (who are doing some important Linux Kernel work for Windows game emulation) and co-hosted by the GNOME and KDE camps will be showing lots of panels on everything involving building for Linux and this includes: creating, packaging, and distributing apps, to monetization within the Linux ecosystem and much more.

Game porter and FNA creator Ethan Lee, has announced a talk titled "Watch a Linux Game Get Built in Real Time". Ethan Lee is responsible for over 50 Linux game ports including the likes of FEZ, Salt and Sanctuary, Pyre, Transistor, Dust: An Elysian Tail and the list goes on. During this talk happening on November 12, Ethan Lee will be showing how they all actually get built mentioning on Twitter that "There is no presentation, no slides, no nothing. Just me building games exactly as they run on your PC today".

Could be quite interesting to see, especially if you want to learn about more behind the scenes work that goes into it all.

Read more about the whole Linux App Summit here.

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I am the owner of GamingOnLinux. After discovering Linux back in the days of Mandrake in 2003, I constantly came back to check on the progress of Linux until Ubuntu appeared on the scene and it helped me to really love it. You can reach me easily by emailing GamingOnLinux directly.
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CatKiller Oct 30, 2020
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QuoteRead more about the whole Linux App Summit here.

It is unfortunate that whoever put that website together has never been introduced to the concept of aspect ratio. No one wants their profile picture turned into a conehead.
no_information_here Oct 30, 2020
Ethan's profile says it all:

QuoteDetails for Ethan Lee
Title: Mr

When you are a badass linux porting machine, people should call you MISTER LEE.

elmapul Oct 31, 2020
it seems one Linux game porter will be attending.

Ryan icculus gordon.
no doubt.
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