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Drive funny little trucks across difficult tracks using only your mouse in Frick, Inc. which is out now with Linux support, plus you get some free game assets as an extra. Created by developer Kenney, known for producing high-quality game assets for the public domain, as well as plenty you can purchase directly and the Asset Forge application to create models, this is actually their first solo commercial game.

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I've played through a bunch of it and it's seriously great. For the price of a coffee, what you end up with is a thoroughly enjoyable driving-puzzle game with a simple and very clever idea. Frick, Inc. is a great example of minimal game design that does a lot with so little.

As the name suggests, it's amusingly frustrating at times but not punishing, just challenging to get everything right. Flick switches, pull down levers and slide around corners as you try to stick to the track. It's nowhere near as easy as it might seem. Due to the mechanics, it's pretty hilarious. Having to watch both the vehicle on the track and your mouse movements around a control panel that changes across the vehicles is quite brilliant. I completely lost count of how many times I drove straight off the track, especially when you get to switch between vehicles and you forget to turn off the previous one and you make a mad dash between them pressing buttons and pulling more levers. It ends up a little frantic.

Once you get the basics down, it can become a little too easy to be overconfident and end up screwing up in some great ways. It's as much a driving puzzler, as it is a game of how spectacularly you can fail or succeed in a really short amount of time. Everything is going great, then you realise you're just one-notch too fast and off the track you go.

Feature Highlight:

  • Easy to learn, hard to master  You'll be switching between trucks (and control methods) in 30 levels to perform various tasks.
  • Extra challenge in each level – Each of the levels contains an extra challenge, only for those daring enough to go the extra mile.
  • Includes game assets – Ready to get into game development? Use the included 3D models to create your own game inspired by Frick, Inc.

It's available exclusively on for $3.99 with support for Linux and Windows.

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I am the owner of GamingOnLinux. After discovering Linux back in the days of Mandrake in 2003, I constantly came back to check on the progress of Linux until Ubuntu appeared on the scene and it helped me to really love it. You can reach me easily by emailing GamingOnLinux directly.
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