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Unspottable has you and friends all blended together amongst a crowd, and you each need to find the other to take them down. It's highly amusing and out now. Note: our key was provided to us by the developer on our Steam Curator.

Spread across 12 varied levels, each with their own unique differences the idea is always the same. Figure out who your friends are, watch movements carefully and give them a punch if you think it's them. If not, hope you can quickly merge back in and become…unspottable.

Check out the launch trailer:

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We played the demo of Unspottable here for a while and got sucked in easily, and since trying out the full game we've been completely sold on it. Unspottable very quickly entered our regular gaming sessions because it's just good silly fun that anyone can get into easily. The controls are ridiculously simple, and it takes no effort to play which is what makes it so good as a party game.

Some of the levels have a little side-quest you can do to win, as long as you're not spotted and punched-out by another player. There's a supermarket where you each need to grab a couple items, and the same for a sushi restaurant. Once you have all the items, you can then run towards the exit. Other levels have environment hazards that can smash you into the floor, or the AI might run around punching at random too. The variety here is great and really makes it unique and seriously funny when you get into it.

It's local multiplayer only, however with services like Steam Remote Play you can play online with others and you only need one copy of the game to do so.

As a game it's enjoyable for anyone, family friendly and well worth picking up. You can buy Unspottable from itch.io and Steam.

Article taken from GamingOnLinux.com.
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I am the owner of GamingOnLinux. After discovering Linux back in the days of Mandrake in 2003, I constantly came back to check on the progress of Linux until Ubuntu appeared on the scene and it helped me to really love it. You can reach me easily by emailing GamingOnLinux directly.
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1 comment

innuendo Nov 20, 2020
Late to the "party"... but this spontaneously triggered associations to The Ship

Actually before the "Murder Party" there was a Mod for the original Half-Life and that's what I played way back when...
The hl-mod was one of kind back then... and aside from "Unspottable" I've never seen anything comparable?
"The Ship" had added complexity though... for one, you needed to take care of your avatar, supply it with food and water, go to bathroom, do some recreational stuff (forces you to be active).
Further it wasn't just about spotting players, you had to find your target (assigned at the start of each round) while avoiding your hunter... and of course don't have witnesses (player or npc) when you do away with your target.

It was pretty intense for a game that consisted mostly of going to the buffet, the bathroom and reading the newspaper.

Ironically (and sadly) "The Ship" seems to have "died" several times by now; i guess it would have to be f2play to survive long term; otoh it would be fun game to do "product placement" in, even more so with maps themed accordingly.
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