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Book of Travels is the upcoming RPG from Might and Delight, a developer known for the Shelter series and Meadow and I'm seriously curious to learn more about it.

After a very successful crowdfunding campaign back in November 2019, they've continued giving regular progress updates on their unique take on an online RPG. They're using the term "TMORPG", which means tiny multiplayer online role-playing game. So unlike big MMOs, they're going with smaller more intimate numbers. Something they did with the likes of Meadow with it having around 50 people together. In a post on Kickstarter, they mentioned how with Book of Travels in Early Access next year, they will be experimenting with the number to see what works for it so they're not yet set on an exact amount.

It seems they've also adjusted their release plans. Their previous plan was an October launch for Early Access, but a fresh update on that shows that they're planning a proper gameplay video and major progress update in November, followed by Early Access in the second quarter of 2021. Not really unexpected, many developers have had to push dates due to the ongoing COVID19 health crisis around the world.

Thankfully, we still have a small extra something for now as the team also recently released some in-game snippets to show it off, check it out below:

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I'm really excited to learn more about the world, especially with the seriously sweet painted art-style they use for the world in Book of Travels. Add to the it being online but you need to master the special symbol language, since it won't have regular chat, makes me all the more curious to see how it will all come together.

You can follow Book of Travels on Steam. They also have Shelter 3 coming up in 2021 too.

Article taken from GamingOnLinux.com.
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I am the owner of GamingOnLinux. After discovering Linux back in the days of Mandrake in 2003, I constantly came back to check on the progress of Linux until Ubuntu appeared on the scene and it helped me to really love it. You can reach me easily by emailing GamingOnLinux directly.
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1 comment

dr_jekyll Oct 20, 2020
The Game still seems interesting, but this "trailer" (even if they call it "snippets") is not really showing anything interesting or "new" imo.

I hope they will show something more in the future.
Especially regarding their "unique" concept of adventure gameplay & story-telling.
As well as some more interesting environments, characters etc.

But maybe I am also expecting too much from this little project.
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