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Developer Ogre Pixel is currently running a successful crowdfunding campaign for Lonesome Village, a puzzle-solving adventure with social simulation and town-building that's now confirmed for Linux.

Their crowdfunding campaign had an initial goal of 420K Mexican Peso (around £15K) and they've managed to get quite a lot more funding with it currently sat on around £58,524. Thanks to how well received it has been, they put out an update to confirm "We are happy to share that we have decided to include Mac and Linux as launching platforms for Lonesome Village!".

Check out their trailer below:

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They say it the idea came up as a result of mixing two games they loved together, those being classic Zelda titles and the social side of Animal Crossing. With the result being "reminiscent of classic RPGs" but their approach to the interactions with villagers, as well as the life sim elements "make the game feel like a brand-new experience altogether".

Feature Highlight:

  • Gorgeous, inviting art style - Lonesome Village is the perfect place to rest up after a long day adventuring.
  • Discover a detailed and fascinating world full of mystery and adventure.
  • Solve mind-bending puzzles to gain entry to and make your way up a mysterious magic tower, one dungeon at a time.
  • Hang out and make friends with a variety of cute characters.
  • Save villagers from a perilous stay in the tower and help bring them back home to Lonesome!
  • Make Lonesome your home - earn land in the village and build and customize your house inside and out.
  • Help Lonesome grow by working in your garden and fishing in the nearby lakes.
  • Discover the gripping story of Lonesome’s origins and learn about Wes's secret past.

Great to see more developers decide to go cross-platform and support more than just Windows. Their Kickstarter crowdfunding campaign runs until October 17.

You can help fund it on Kickstarter and follow it on Steam.

We're also listing it on our dedicated Crowdfunding Page since it's blown through the target.

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I am the owner of GamingOnLinux. After discovering Linux back in the days of Mandrake in 2003, I constantly came back to check on the progress of Linux until Ubuntu appeared on the scene and it helped me to really love it. You can reach me easily by emailing GamingOnLinux directly.
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