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Try not to lose your head in a world full of colour in GONNER2 out now

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Art in Heart and Raw Fury have released GONNER2, an intense procedurally generated action-platformer with a very bizarre and colourful world. Note: key provided by Raw Fury.

In motion, GONNER2 is almost mesmerising in how the world flows around with colourful tiles flowing in and connecting up that follows your movements. Honestly, the design work alone on it totally deserves an award. Gameplay though? Well, it's a rather challenging platformer with roguelike elements, where you play as the "largely misunderstood and altruistic Ikk". It's absolutely hectic, quite confusing initially as it dumps you into the world but you soon get the hang of it thanks to the simple to grasp controls. 

GONNER2 rewards speed. Go fast, shoot fast, take down as many enemies as you can in a short space of time and keep on jumping and running while trying not to lose your head. You build up a combination as you keep on taking enemies down, which will boost up your score.

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As you progress through you will find new heads to swap, new weapons, a few different abilities and all kinds of weird creatures to face. While you're boosting your score by taking enemies down as quickly as possible, the music speeds up and gets all kinds of weird to go along with it. The atmosphere together with the minimal but super colourful art, along with the music that starts slow with a pumping beat that quickly smashes in during the hot action makes it feel all that much more dramatic when it really gets going.

Compared with the first game, everything just feels better. Tight controls along with proper 360 aiming, it looks awesome and it's finely polished. Not a single technical hiccup either, it's one of the smoothest releases I've played all year. If you're a fan of games that have a solid basic core-loop that you can just play over and over, GONNER2 is what you need.

Feature Highlight:

  • Intense platformer shooter action
  • Procedurally generated levels in a strange and surreal world
  • Nonlinear level structure
  • A bunch of heads, guns and upgrades that you can combine
  • Boss fights
  • Secrets & mysteries!

You can buy GONNER2 from Humble Store, GOG and Steam.

Keep an eye on our Twitch Channel too, as it will be featured soon.

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I am the owner of GamingOnLinux. After discovering Linux back in the days of Mandrake in 2003, I constantly came back to check on the progress of Linux until Ubuntu appeared on the scene and it helped me to really love it. You can reach me easily by emailing GamingOnLinux directly.
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