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You've faced monsters before aplenty but what about nomsters? Moonshell Island looks and sounds like a delightful and rather quirky upcoming RPG.

Set on a whimsical island, Moonshell Island will feature a cast of charming characters, a "satisfying" action-battle system, plenty of mini-games and a "heartwarming tale of achieving dreams, supporting friends, and building a community". On a peaceful island these strange nomsters threaten the peace so "you must journey to find the source of the trouble and recruit the islanders to a safe haven, Crabby’s Cabana Club. As the club population grows, more services become available to aid you on your quest to uncover not only the secrets of the island, but also of yourself".

Check out their bright and colourful narrated trailer:

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Feature Highlight:

  • Switch between the protagonist and your new friend Crabby and unlock special abilities with the Magic Mug of Candor
  • Make friends and help them fulfill their dreams as you build a community
  • Distract yourself with fun puzzles, sidequests and minigames
  • Explore the diverse landscapes of Moonshell Island
  • Fight off ‘nomsters’ and use the loot in delicious recipes

The only problem is that it's not due out for quite some time. They're making it clear that it's not going to be rushed, with it being developed since 2019 and a planned date of "20xx" with Linux as a confirmed platform. A demo is planned to be released soon, which they said will be given out to people supporting them on Patreon to help fund it. However, a public version appears to also be planned for sometime next year too.

You can follow it on the official site and Game Jolt.

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I am the owner of GamingOnLinux. After discovering Linux back in the days of Mandrake in 2003, I constantly came back to check on the progress of Linux until Ubuntu appeared on the scene and it helped me to really love it. You can reach me easily by emailing GamingOnLinux directly.
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