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As part of the ongoing expansion for the New Frontier Pass, the turn-based strategy Civilization VI will be getting another DLC on November 19.

The team at Firaxis aren't giving out too many details yet, but they couldn't seem to hold back on shouting Babylon from the rooftops as the next major inclusion to which they say will "blind you with science". This pack will also be coming with 6 new City States each being unique, there's also going to be 24 new Great People and a whole new game mode with Heroes & Legends.

With the new Heroes & Legends Mode, it will introduce a variety of legendary figured from various cultural traditions over the world as playable characters. They say the heroes "are like great people on steroids", there's going to be many of them including the likes of King Arthur. Lots more details can be seen in the new video below:

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If you own the New Frontier Pass, it will be given to you as part of that. Next up they have a free update for everyone coming in December and then a new DLC in January 2021 with the last part of the New Frontier Pass due for March 2021. They haven't hinted at what they will be doing after that as of yet.

Sid Meier's Civilization VI for Linux PC is available on the Humble Store and Steam.

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I am the owner of GamingOnLinux. After discovering Linux back in the days of Mandrake in 2003, I constantly came back to check on the progress of Linux until Ubuntu appeared on the scene and it helped me to really love it. You can reach me easily by emailing GamingOnLinux directly.
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1 comment

Luticus Nov 9, 2020
Cool, wonder how long cross platform multiplayer will be broken for this time. I mean, I hope it isn't, but I basically quit playing the game because it seems like every time they release an update Linux gets forgotten about for like a month. It would be really nice if they would collaborate with Aspire and make sure the Linux and OSX versions are ready to go before just jamming stuff out there that will break a feature many people rely on to play the game with their friends. I haven't bought any of the new content this season yet explicitly because I find it too annoying when they break cross platform play every 2 months.
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