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Beyond All Reason aims to revive the RTS style of Total Annihilation

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Total Annihilation is still to this day, one of the best RTS games ever made. I'll engage in fisticuffs with anyone who disagrees and Beyond All Reason is pursuing the ideal of Cavedog's classic.

Built upon the tried and tested open source Spring RTS game engine, itself originally created to bring Total Annihilation into 3D that went on to become a platform for lost of TA-styled games. Much like the classic along with later titles like Supreme Commander, Beyond All Reason is paying attention to the small details as well as being a real-time strategy game on a huge scale.

You can have hundreds of units per side at any one time with lots of different unit types across land, sea and air with a strategic zoom often being needed to get a look at what's going on. This is where you zoom right out, so all units and buildings turn into icons. Close up though, Beyond All Reason is quite a pretty game.

The developer also showed off a long game on YouTube to show it off:

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I had a good run through it today playing against the AI and it's genuinely good. Performance is really smooth, the game really does look pretty when you're sending hundreds of units across the map destroying everything in their path too. 

With my own personal love of RTS games like this, Beyond All Reason is something of a breath of fresh air. Keeping in mind that this is still early-ish in development (not a properly released game), what they have here is a pretty great start to what could end up being a great real-time strategy game that I'm excited to see progress.

I've become quite a big fan of the "Chicken" AI, which is like a tower defense game that sees you face off against period hordes of various challenging levels. There's other more normal AIs to play against that will build a base and send units towards you, along with online play available too.

They offer an AppImage download for Linux, which is a fancy launcher to pull in everything else it needs to get you started. Nice to see things made easy for us:

Check out Beyond All Reason on the official site.

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I am the owner of GamingOnLinux. After discovering Linux back in the days of Mandrake in 2003, I constantly came back to check on the progress of Linux until Ubuntu appeared on the scene and it helped me to really love it. You can reach me easily by emailing GamingOnLinux directly.
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Tchey Nov 16, 2020
This game is awesome !

I’ve spend hours playing it early november, i couldn’t stop.
Now i still play, but i somehow manage to control my urge to play only this game.
cdnr1 Nov 16, 2020
Zero-k on steam is also a realy good one
scaine Nov 16, 2020
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Quoting: cdnr1Zero-k on steam is also a realy good one

It might be free, but it's Windows-only.
herrorange Nov 16, 2020
I've been trying various tricks over last month, but I can't make it work in my Fedora setup. :( Looks amazing thought.
Gazoche Nov 16, 2020
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Quoting: scaine
Quoting: cdnr1Zero-k on steam is also a realy good one

It might be free, but it's Windows-only.

They also have a Linux version on :
herrorange Nov 17, 2020
Quoting: cdnr1Zero-k on steam is also a realy good one
Agree, I have 80h already in Zero-K, works great with Proton, although it's a slightly different look at TA universe.
coolbober Nov 17, 2020
Somehow I overlooked this article. Great game.

I am trying to change settings on it, however after each restart of the game all settings are reseted. Am I doing something wrong here?
Furor Nov 17, 2020
Quoting: cdnr1Zero-k on steam is also a realy good one
Better in my opinion. Beyond All Reason have a very good artistic direction and a gameplay more similar to traditional TA, but ZK improved usability, start speed and many things that I find more enjoyable. Anyway I will keep on watching how BAR evolves.
FerroTiC Nov 17, 2020
Quoting: Lord_PhoenixI've been trying various tricks over last month, but I can't make it work in my Fedora setup. :( Looks amazing thought.
Me too. I am unable to start the BYAR on my Fedora 33 setup.

it is giving me lots of errors:
Problem with the SSL CA cert (path? access rights?)
Error in curl Problem with the SSL CA cert (path? access rights?) (error setting certificate verify locations:
  CAfile: /etc/ssl/certs/ca-certificates.crt
  CApath: /etc/ssl/certs)

Perhaps again the infamous libcurl vs libcurl-gnutls problem.
herrorange Nov 18, 2020
Quoting: FerroTiC
Quoting: Lord_PhoenixI've been trying various tricks over last month, but I can't make it work in my Fedora setup. :( Looks amazing thought.
Me too. I am unable to start the BYAR on my Fedora 33 setup.

it is giving me lots of errors:
Problem with the SSL CA cert (path? access rights?)
Error in curl Problem with the SSL CA cert (path? access rights?) (error setting certificate verify locations:
  CAfile: /etc/ssl/certs/ca-certificates.crt
  CApath: /etc/ssl/certs)

Perhaps again the infamous libcurl vs libcurl-gnutls problem.

I guess so, but I was dissecting the json with file list and downloaded and unpacked all the files and even got the main screen to load only to be presented that game:something not found...
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