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Explore space and do some shady deals in Avorion - Black Market out now

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Avorion - Black Market is the first full paid expansion to the excellent open-world space exploration and building sim and it looks great. Bringing with it access to the black market, where you will be able to trade in various special goods. There's also new story content, quests and bosses along with a big event to participate in.

See the official Black Market DLC trailer:

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So far it seems like if you're an Avorion fan, the Black Market DLC is worth picking up.

On top of the DLC release, a massive patch also went up. It would be a bit ridiculous to talk about everything included in the patch because the notes are impressively long. Here's some highlights of the free update:

  • Docking - ships can now use Dock blocks to dock with other objects, and pull them around and go through wormholes and hyperspace together.
  • You can bribe ships that try to inspect you, you can also inspect others and be bribed if they might have some illegal goods being carried
  • Special legendary turrets
  • Improved visuals of asteroids with resources
  • New blocks like the front-facing torpedo launcher
  • Lots of AI behaviour improvements

Avorion is a truly fantastic game. Seriously. I can't say enough good words about how amazing it actually is if you're a fan of open-world space games. While it's true there's others that have more depth in certain areas like the story, I've found that Avorion is just incredible when it comes to building what you want. Block by block you get to build anything from a tiny shuttle up to a fleet of huge ships in any style you want. I've seen it called Minecraft in space at times and it seems quite fitting, although certainly nowhere near as simple it gives that feel.

You can buy Avorion on Humble Store and Steam.

Article taken from GamingOnLinux.com.
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I am the owner of GamingOnLinux. After discovering Linux back in the days of Mandrake in 2003, I constantly came back to check on the progress of Linux until Ubuntu appeared on the scene and it helped me to really love it. You can reach me easily by emailing GamingOnLinux directly.
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