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Two bits of major news to cover for the Steam Play Proton compatibility layer, with some exciting major changes coming in with updates. Don't know what Steam Play Proton is? Go take a look at our dedicated page.

Firstly, if you have an AMD GPU and you don't mind grabbing the latest development code for the Mesa graphics drivers - Cyberpunk 2077 should actually work on Linux with the new Proton 5.13-4 release. Valve developer Pierre-Loup Griffais mentioned that CD PROJEKT RED allowed them some early testing time to get the work done for both vkd3d (the Direct3D 12 to Vulkan layer) and radv (the AMD Mesa Vulkan driver). As an NVIDIA GPU owner, this makes me quite jealous as it seems my only other current choice on Linux is Stadia or GeForce NOW (unofficially - until later in 2021).

Additionally, there's now also a new Proton Experimental branch available which has the start of major architectural changes to Wine. This brings with it a plan to reduce CPU overhead and improve performance in scenarios related to input and windowing. Seems Proton Experimental is an additional version of Proton, so you would install it along side the other versions currently available for this compatibility tool.

You can find the Proton changelog here.

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Article taken from GamingOnLinux.com.
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I am the owner of GamingOnLinux. After discovering Linux back in the days of Mandrake in 2003, I constantly came back to check on the progress of Linux until Ubuntu appeared on the scene and it helped me to really love it. You can reach me easily by emailing GamingOnLinux directly.
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minidou Dec 9, 2020
Another zeroday AAA Proton support. Nice.
sigz Dec 9, 2020
does that mean it doesn't work on nv gpu yet ?
vipor29 Dec 9, 2020
that was quick
mylka Dec 9, 2020
good to know, even if i cant buy 2077 now

i hope it works kinda decent on my old GPU
rustybroomhandle Dec 9, 2020
Wondering what the specific missing features are in the Nvidia driver preventing this from working.

Amusingly, Assassin's Creed: Valhalla with vkd3d works on Nvidia but not AMD.
Werner Dec 9, 2020
great news, but i ordered it on stadia, since finally it started in my country, i wanted to test it anyway and because they make a nice gift, if you buy Cyberpunk, you will get the Stadia Premiere Edition for free, so the game is free :). If the game is really that good then i will buy it later when all bugs are fixed and all dlc are released on Gog :).
vipor29 Dec 9, 2020
Quoting: mylkagood to know, even if i cant buy 2077 now

i hope it works kinda decent on my old GPU

from what i saw of the benchmarks you need a pretty beefy gpu even in 1080p.most people are gonna be running in medium to high settings in 1080p.
Spirimint Dec 9, 2020
Even my 2060 still need to wait. This post shows us how far linux gaming is. Cyberpunk Day One is just sick!
Shmerl Dec 9, 2020
Very nice!
einherjar Dec 9, 2020
*cries in NVidia*
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