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Free and open source space sim 'Naev' has a big overhaul update out now

By - | Views: 30,979

Naev returns! This classic free and open source 2D space exploration, trading and combat sim release version 0.8.0 and it's quite a big change for it. What is it? Taking inspiration from the likes of the Escape Velocity series, you travel around space and pretty much do whatever you want. There's various story missions, lots of different ships and encounters and it's now bigger than ever.

If you're a fan of classic space sims, Naev is worth a look, especially with the masses of improvements that came along with this brand new release. Here's just a small slice of some of the bigger changes in Naev 0.8.0:

  • Overhaul of the interface to be more sleek and functional
  • New map overlay with adjustable opacity
  • Added rarity indicator to ships and outfits
  • Simple economy model implemented with map visualizations
  • Added travelling merchant who sells unique items
  • Added asteroids and mining
  • Improved player GUI and new default UI
  • Improved and fixed escort system
  • Made combat music vary from faction to faction
  • Improved AI behaviours
  • Added Soromid organic ships that level up organs
  • Improved and expanded NPC portraits
  • Added a “slow mode”, which runs the game at half speed (like an easy mode)
  • Added a ship log which records events
  • Added a “system map” which displays information about known remote planets
  • Added support for giving commands to individual escorts
  • Increased pirate name variety for bounty missions
  • Added map decorators showing locations of factions and the Nebula
  • More music
  • New and/or improved missions

There's a lot more, and of course plenty of bugs were fixed along with that too.

You can grab Naev free from, Steam the official site as an AppImage and Flathub (outdated at the moment).

After more similar free and open source space sims? Do check out Endless Sky too.

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I am the owner of GamingOnLinux. After discovering Linux back in the days of Mandrake in 2003, I constantly came back to check on the progress of Linux until Ubuntu appeared on the scene and it helped me to really love it. You can reach me easily by emailing GamingOnLinux directly.
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riidom Dec 17, 2020
Oh, almost forgot about that one. I remember being overly stupid even in the easiest space fights ^^ Maybe I got better in meantime, gonna try again.
Nanobang Dec 17, 2020
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I love that they've released it as an appimage! I wish more games did that.
Purple Library Guy Dec 17, 2020
My distro's repository's still at 0.7; maybe I'll grab the Appimage. Or maybe just Steam so it's with the rest of my games.
crabctrl Dec 17, 2020
I can't believe I haven't played this yet, given how much I love Endless Sky. It's as good a time as any to check it out I guess!
xavi Jan 10, 2021
Playing it again after more than 8 years!

Graphically it improved a lot!
Just read a bit on the tutorial at first, and once you have killed the droid fun starts.
Congratulations to this free software project with steady development among the years

It is addicting, always one planet more.

I have to decide now if:
- buying the ancestor (to have a bit of combat fun, but I still have not the money)
- buying the koala (to do standard cargo missions and make money fast).
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