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Open source Linux instant-replay tool ReplaySorcery has some major upgrades

By - | Views: 34,377

Need an easy way to capture those awesome moments when you're playing Linux games? ReplaySorcery is what you need, and the developer has been very busy with it.

ReplaySorcery is a bit like AMD ReLive or NVIDIA ShadowPlay Instant Replay. The idea is simple: while running it stores around 30 seconds of your screen and audio in memory ready to dump it into a video file for you. It works, and really quite well too.

Since we last wrote about it there's new features aplenty including: audio capture, options for changing output quality, VA-API hardware acceleration, local config file support, the ability to not run as root and more. It's quickly becoming a great short-capture solution.

It works exactly as you want it to. Set it up as a systemd service, then at the quick touch of the hotkey Ctrl+Super+R you get a video dumped into your Videos folder like this:

Game Featured - WHAT THE GOLF?

That was taken with no adjustments to the configuration, everything at the defaults and it really does seem to do the job exactly as you want it to.

Great stuff. Check it out on GitHub.

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I am the owner of GamingOnLinux. After discovering Linux back in the days of Mandrake in 2003, I constantly came back to check on the progress of Linux until Ubuntu appeared on the scene and it helped me to really love it. You can reach me easily by emailing GamingOnLinux directly.
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1 comment

Xpander Dec 24, 2020
looks good but it seems to grab both of my screens. guess it needs configuring, also the framerate is shit on some stuff because of the whole screen capture.

OBS also has replay buffer feature, which works a lot better, but the only thing is that you have to do few clicks before you start your game, to capture the game window.
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