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After some classic first-person shooter fun? Developer 'Scumhead' who works with the GZDoom game engine recently announced that Shrine, Lycanthorn and Lycanthorn II all now have Linux builds.

This makes grabbing them and playing them easier than ever, no need to mess about with setting up GZDoom manually or moving anything around. Currently it's only on but hopefully the Linux builds will hop over to Steam too sometime soon. Shrine is quite highly rated too, one we've talked about briefly here before when running it as a standalone.

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Shrine is a really well made total conversion, where you battle a "nightmarish eldritch horde as Tusk, the skinless monstrosity" across nicely designed levels full of unique and strange weapons. If you do love classic Doom, Hexen and so on this is probably something you should check out with 16 challenging levels to explore.

Check them all out here if you love your FPS games:

The best part? They're all free to play but you can support the developer on their Patreon.

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I am the owner of GamingOnLinux. After discovering Linux back in the days of Mandrake in 2003, I constantly came back to check on the progress of Linux until Ubuntu appeared on the scene and it helped me to really love it. You can reach me easily by emailing GamingOnLinux directly.
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ageres Dec 30, 2020
Oh, Shrine 1&2 are on Steam, nice. I've played Shrine 1 with GZDoom. The graphics look too MS Painty, but everything else is cool, weapons especially.
QuoteShrine, Lycanthorn and Lycanthorn II all now have Linux builds
And Shrine II as well.
Liam Dawe Dec 30, 2020
Quoting: ageresAnd Shrine II as well.
Woops, added.
robvv Dec 30, 2020
The Linux builds don't seem to show up on the itch client for me. However I can download them fine from the homepage.
Liam Dawe Dec 30, 2020
Quoting: robvvThe Linux builds don't seem to show up on the itch client for me. However I can download them fine from the homepage.
Yeah looks like the itch content tags need updating properly.
Phlebiac Dec 31, 2020
Quoting: ageresThe graphics look too MS Painty, but everything else is cool, weapons especially.

I have to agree with you there - hurts my eyes. :-/
robvv Jan 1, 2021
Vomitoreum by the same dev now has a Linux build :-)

EDIT: spelling.

Last edited by robvv on 1 January 2021 at 10:34 pm UTC
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