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inXile Entertainment have confirmed in their latest update for Wasteland 3 that the Linux version should be ready before the end of 2020.

The team have been working on Wasteland 3 update 1.2 dubbed "Meat Maker Marinade" to address various improvements and fixes. They went with that code name as this update should get rid of the most urgent issues, to let "the flavors soak in". That update should be due within the next week. However, they also mentioned the 1.3 update which is due "very quickly afterward" which they confirmed is when Linux support arrives:

Earlier in the year we announced that Mac and Linux would be delayed, but that we expected to have them available before the end of the year. Despite the challenges the year threw at us, Mac and Linux clients will be available on Steam and GOG with Patch 1.3.0! As noted above, we’re targeting Patch 1.3.0 to hit before the end of the year. We know our Mac and Linux communities have been especially patient with us, and we sincerely appreciate you hanging in there as we work to get Wasteland 3 into your hands.

After that though, they have plenty of plans. They have expansions planned, plus plenty of ongoing work on performance, game balance and bug fixes. There's also new features planned like a permadeath option, enhancements for animal companions and more customization.

Great to see the commitment from inXile.

You can wishlist/follow or whatever else on Humble StoreGOG and Steam. Latest trailer available below:

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I am the owner of GamingOnLinux. After discovering Linux back in the days of Mandrake in 2003, I constantly came back to check on the progress of Linux until Ubuntu appeared on the scene and it helped me to really love it. You can reach me easily by emailing GamingOnLinux directly.
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Ehvis Dec 2, 2020
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Oh no. Now I need to actually finish Wasteland 2! Where will I find the time?
scaine Dec 2, 2020
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I had no idea W3 was even out. I just don't follow the big news sites anymore, since it's so rare to get a AAA same-day launch...
seven Dec 3, 2020
loved wasteland 2, instabuy for me cuz i'm a sucker for turnbased combat
Cyril Dec 3, 2020
QuoteDespite the challenges the year threw at us, Mac and Linux clients will be available on Steam and GOG with Patch 1.3.0!
bingus Dec 3, 2020
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I'm a backer who couldn't wait... thank you Proton :)

Its good fun.
furaxhornyx Dec 3, 2020
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I had this one in my wishlist... glad it will be native

I hope there will be crossplay with Windows, to play coop with friends...
Thetargos Dec 4, 2020
I bought this on release, but held back installation until the native support arrived, so I guess I'll be installing it "soon-ish", then!
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