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More turn-based tactical RPG goodness is coming to Linux (whenever it's finished) with The Iron Oath, and Curious Panda Games have released some more up to date footage.

"The Iron Oath is a turn-based tactical RPG within a medieval fantasy setting. Lead, recruit and manage a band of mercenaries who will age, retire and die. Fulfill contracts over decades and centuries, and build your company's renown while navigating an ever-changing world."

Originally funded on Kickstarter where the team managed to raise around $94,524 back in 2017, so it has been in development for a little while now. In March of 2020, they also announced that Humble Games picked them up as the publisher but they have 100% control still.

Now they have both funding and a publisher, development sounds like it's going really well. In the latest update they mentioned it's hit the "Alpha" stage and they showed around 20 minutes of new footage! See it below:

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Need a further refresher on it? Here's what they say is planned for it:

  • Tactical turn-based Combat: Proper planning and execution is vital to your success. Utilize the strengths and shelter the weaknesses of each unique character class. Deadly foes, traps and destructible objects means one misstep could be your party's undoing.
  • Time Progression: Time passes as you navigate the world. Your characters will age and the world around you will change dynamically through various events.
  • A Large and Dynamic Overworld: The known world consists of 5 unique regions and biomes, each with multiple hubs to visit. Cities can be overtaken, destroyed and rebuilt; while various factions can emerge, rise and fall. A playthrough can potentially last hundreds of years, resulting in many changes to the initial world state.
  • In-depth Management: Control your company's finances, roster and happiness. Manage political relationships by forging alliances and creating enemies. As time progresses, your characters will age, retire and frequently die in combat, requiring you to recruit and train their replacements. Gain wealth and renown by completing contracts, and invest in upgrading the many facets of your organization.
  • Unique Characters & Development: Every recruitable character has their own personal backstory, incorporating events that have taken place during your playthrough. Their persona is subject to change as their careers progress. Based off their traits they will interact and converse with each other, in addition to offering their input on any decisions you face. As they gain experience and rank up, you can customize each class by augmenting their abilities to perform different functions.
  • Decisions Matter: You will be faced with many choices throughout your journey. Choices bear consequences, and they can have a minor or major influence on your characters, your company and the world itself.

Want to follow it along? You can wishlist it on Steam.

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I am the owner of GamingOnLinux. After discovering Linux back in the days of Mandrake in 2003, I constantly came back to check on the progress of Linux until Ubuntu appeared on the scene and it helped me to really love it. You can reach me easily by emailing GamingOnLinux directly.
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1 comment

scaine Jan 6, 2021
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Reminds me a little of Wildermyth. It does look very alpha though - lots of placeholders, they succeeded the first mission, but the reward screen said "failed" and when they turned over the rescued-and-very-much-alive husband, the text revealed that he was in fact, dead when they found him, and the farm-wife mourns!

Solid fight mechanics though, definitely one to keep an eye on.
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