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Unrailed! from Daedalic Entertainment and Indoor Astronaut released back in September 2020 and now you have a chance to play for free to end your week. Don't pass up on it either from now until January 25 you can download and play the full game on Steam, and there's a 50% discount if you decide you like it enough to keep it.

What do you actually do in Unrailed! and is it fun? You and up to three others need to keep a train going for as long as possible, by constantly building a track. It's pure chaos once it gets going and an absolute riot to play with friends. Plenty of communication breakdowns, shouting and laughing all bundled in together. The train will get faster as you go too, plus you can upgrade it with new carriages and all sorts.

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Feature Highlight:

  • An intense and chaotic railroad construction experience
  • Online and local couch co-op multiplayer (also mixing both possible)
  • Procedurally generated worlds with 4 different difficulty levels
  • Dynamic weather system & day and night cycle
  • Game modes: Endless, Quick, Sandbox (up to 4 players) and Versus (2 vs 2 players)
  • Distinct biomes (5+)
  • A bunch of upgradable wagons (10+) to modify your train in Endless mode
  • Unlockable characters
  • A replay system
  • Online highscores with replays
  • Simple controls & split keyboard and split controller mode

Find it and play free until January 25 on Steam.

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I am the owner of GamingOnLinux. After discovering Linux back in the days of Mandrake in 2003, I constantly came back to check on the progress of Linux until Ubuntu appeared on the scene and it helped me to really love it. You can reach me easily by emailing GamingOnLinux directly.
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