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Prison Architect: Going Green announced for release on January 28

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Paradox Interactive and Double Eleven have announced the next expansion and free update for Prison Architect with the Prison Architect: Going Green DLC launching on January 28.

Seems like bit of a theme with Paradox published games. We had the Cities: Skylines - Green Cities DLC in 2017, the Surviving Mars: Green Planet DLC in 2019 and now prisons are going green too. You will be able to create a more environmentally friendly prison with farming and all sorts. 

Here's the key features to expect from it:

  • Fruits of Labor: Farming introduces a new type of Prison Labor, allowing prisons to grow potatoes, wheat, apples, and more. Produce can be exported or used as ingredients for inmate meals.
  • Room to Grow: Three outdoor rooms facilitate farming: Fruit Orchard, Farm Field and Vegetable Allotment. But that’s not all, players can recruit staff Farm Workers, build a Pantry to store produce, and construct a Shed to house farming-related items.
  • Best Buds: Inmates who enjoy nature’s beauty can grow flowers and other plants recreationally. Gardening affects inmates and gives them a positive recreation activity.
  • Trouble is Brewing: With new crops comes new contraband. Prisoners can now secretly grow herbs in the fields and swipe kitchen ingredients to brew Booze. Fields can also become Gang Turf, so keep your guards on alert!
  • A Greener New Deal: Prisons get an eco-friendly makeover with Solar, Wind, and Solar/Wind Hybrid power sources. Excess power created by these sustainable methods can be sold back to the grid using the Power Export Meter.

Have a look at the announcement trailer below:

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As for the free update everyone will see, this will be called The Glasshouse which will bring with it "additional objects, quickrooms, community improvements and two new top-notch employees - K9 units Shepherd and Bowtie Bandit." additionally Wardens can "create a more sustainable prison with Recycling Systems and objects like recycling bins or solar lights" and improvements to sorting methods and dump / demolition tooling - all of which has been highly requested by the community.

“Going Green continues Prison Architect’s history of riffing off popular prison fiction seen in movies, TV, and other media. This will be the third Prison Architect expansion we will have launched since Paradox took over the IP in 2019 and we can’t wait to see your latest creations,” said Steacy McIlwham, Product Manager for Prison Architect at Paradox Interactive. “The Glasshouse also kicks off a series of updates we will make to the game’s interface, starting with the dump and demolition tools, making it more user-friendly. We understand this is something the community has been asking about for a long time and we want you to know your voice has been heard.”

You can buy Prison Architect from GOG, Humble Store and Steam.

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