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Reminder: Update your PC info for the next round of statistics updates

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PC Info is automatically purged if it hasn't been updated, or if you don't click the link to remain in for 2 years. This way we prevent too much stale data and don't hold onto your data for longer than required. If this is still correct and it has been a long time since you updated, you can simply click here to continue to be included. If this isn't correct, click here to go to your User Control Panel to update it!



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WorMzy Jan 25, 2021
Happy to see Ubuntu continues to shed users and market share (down to 349 users/15.47%), presumably as stale PC reports are dropped. Also glad that Plasma seems to be increasing its slim lead over Gnome (currently ahead by 18 people).

AMD looks to increase it's lead over Intel in the CPU department (currently ahead by 49 people), while it still has some distance to go to overtake nVidia in the GPU department (nvidia ahead by 285 people). Also worth noting that the RX 5700 XT overtook the RX 580 last month to become the most used card (156 people using one).

Also interesting to see a small uptick in Wayland session users -- now over 100 people.
Liam Dawe Jan 25, 2021
Since browsers can run a lot of games nowadays, how do people feel about a primary browser question?
Bumadar Jan 25, 2021
Quoting: Liam DaweSince browsers can run a lot of games nowadays, how do people feel about a primary browser question?

Browser question is cool
And if you have time please add opensuse tumbleweed, its a big difference compared to opensuse leap
And maybe add "no" to vr question, don't have one and not really thinking about getting one or not :)
Liam Dawe Jan 25, 2021
Quoting: BumadarAnd maybe add "no" to vr question, don't have one and not really thinking about getting one or not :)
That is already there.

"Not planning to get one", that's a no.
tonR Jan 25, 2021
Quoting: Liam DaweSince browsers can run a lot of games nowadays, how do people feel about a primary browser question?
Aye *raise hand*
Cybolic Jan 25, 2021
Is it just me or is the scale for the "x11 Desktop" graph off? It seems to show the number by a tenth (ie. 5 instead of 50).
MayeulC Jan 25, 2021
I realize you can't imagine listing every desktop environment, but I would like sway to be included (maybe just "sway/wlroots-based). Just curious how many fellow users there are, and how the numbers compare against other wayland compositors.

Tiling vs non-tiling could be interesting also. "Do you feel comfortable with the terminal" is another thing I'd be interested in.

Some of these could be one-time questions, instead of recurring. I don't know :)
Phlebiac Jan 26, 2021
Quoting: Liam DaweSince browsers can run a lot of games nowadays, how do people feel about a primary browser question?

Seems like you would get better data from Google Analytics or crunching your httpd logs?
tuubi Jan 26, 2021
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Quoting: Phlebiac
Quoting: Liam DaweSince browsers can run a lot of games nowadays, how do people feel about a primary browser question?

Seems like you would get better data from Google Analytics or crunching your httpd logs?

Attempting to detect a user's primary browser would be a challenge though, wouldn't it? Parsing User-Agent strings and trying to guess which browser users would prefer to play their games on seems like a hassle when you can just ask.
WorMzy Jan 26, 2021
I think the question needs to be clearly worded so it doesn't get mistaken for a more generic "what browser do you use?" question.


Quote"If you use web-based game streaming service(s), which browser do you primarily use for that?"
- Browser A
- Browser B
- I don't use web-based game streaming services
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