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For The King: Lost Civilization Adventure Pack out now

By - | Views: 14,018

For The King: Lost Civilization Adventure Pack is the first ever expansion to For The King, a challenging blend of Strategy, JRPG styled combat, and roguelike elements.

Released originally back in 2018, For The King is actually really good and its certainly a game that deserved to have a whole lot more content to play through. Popular too, as they confirmed they've now seen over 3 million players (although that is across all platforms).

"This hard-as-nails fantasy experience melds challenging turn-based combat, deep roleplaying game progression and procedurally generated maps, quests and events to ensure no playthrough is the same. This potent gameplay mix is matched with a captivating artstyle and options for players to tackle the campaign on their own or in co-op with friends."

This Lost Civilization Adventure Pack gives you a brand new Jungle Falls zone, two new playable character classes and lots more. Check out the trailer below:

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What to expect from it:

  • Explore the lost Jungle Falls Realm - A lush jungle forest beckons adventurers to explore its dense wood, but what dangers lurk under its thick mysterious canopy?   
  • Two New Playable Characters - Go on the offensive with the glory-seeking Gladiator or harness dark energy from the heavens with the wise Astronomer!   
  • Spectacular Arena Battles - For Glory! Defeat waves of enemies before a cheering crowd in the new gladiator arenas.
  • New Weapons - Throw caution to the wind with devastating dual-wield weapons or gamble on the destructive power of the versatile wands. 
  • New Enemies and Loot - More than 90 new items closely guarded by over 50 new enemies. From giant snakes to petrifying golems, the rewards are great but the stakes are even higher.

You can pick up a copy from Humble Store or Steam, the Linux version is not on GOG.

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I am the owner of GamingOnLinux. After discovering Linux back in the days of Mandrake in 2003, I constantly came back to check on the progress of Linux until Ubuntu appeared on the scene and it helped me to really love it. You can reach me easily by emailing GamingOnLinux directly.
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WendishBovine Feb 11, 2021
Me and my girlfriend put in 60 hours into this game already. It's a really fun turn-based couch co-op game. Recommend it to anyone because these types of games a pretty rare (we've been trying to find something similar for a long time, not much luck), and it's fun to do solo as well.
Schattenspiegel Feb 11, 2021
^^ would like to add that you can also play it online with your friends ;-)
14 Feb 13, 2021
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It is not "hard-as-nails" nor "deep roleplaying" as they say. But that doesn't mean it's not fun. I really like For The King. I like it because it's not Dark Souls (hard as nails) and it's not Divinity Original Sin 2 (deep roleplaying). It's on the light side of role-playing, and difficulty is more or less up to you as you choose which battles to engage. That makes it different than my more challenging and demanding games. It is much more delightful and you walk away in more of a happy mood than a tired-yet-triumphant mood. So I really recommend For The King for when you're in a lighter mood.
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