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Combining the ideas found in Machine Learning with automation and Factorio styled conveyor belts everywhere, Learning Factory from has entered Early Access.

This is from the same developer who created while True: learn(), a popular and positively rated puzzle/simulation that also deals with Machine Learning to try and understand your cat. Seems have a bit of a theme here, as Learning Factory is all about a certain genius building a factory on Mars to try and work through understanding cats. Yep.

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What you'll be doing:

  • Renovate an abandoned factory on Mars
  • Design and automate production chains
  • Produce and sell exquisite goods to cats
  • Collect and analyze data with Machine Learning
  • Scale and make the factory more efficient
  • Get deeper into real Machine Learning and cats

According to the developer it's all backed up by real Machine Learning, and is in plenty of ways educational on the topic. It includes links to hand-picked videos on it, plus an in-game wiki for extra learning material. They plan to keep in in Early Access for at least one year and probably longer.

For the current version they say you can get easily 4-6 hours out of it with two machine learning models "Linear Regression and Polynomial Regression". There's already multiple types of cats to deal with, a bunch of included comics, a research tree to go through with 33 nodes and some pre-generated worlds. For the full version they're going to be adding in procedural worlds, 20+ hours of gameplay, Neural Networks-based machine learning models and much more.

I played quite a lot of the early builds and even back then it was very promising, although if definitely felt quite Factorio-like so I'm keen to see how far they've taken it into the very unique sounding direction. The developer has just sent us a key so we will be taking a look in future.

You can buy Learning Factory on Steam.

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I am the owner of GamingOnLinux. After discovering Linux back in the days of Mandrake in 2003, I constantly came back to check on the progress of Linux until Ubuntu appeared on the scene and it helped me to really love it. You can reach me easily by emailing GamingOnLinux directly.
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