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Story-driven tactical RPG 'The Way of Wrath' up on Kickstarter

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Ready for your next story-based RPG? The Way of Wrath plans to fully support Linux and it's currently seeking funding on Kickstarter and it does look quite good.

With an open world setting, a full story and a hand-crafted world The Way of Wrath sounds rather promising. Blending together "tactical party-based combat, detailed branching dialogue and a rich, dynamic story (Baldur’s Gate, Divinity: OS) with the interactivity and immersion of 3D open-world games (Gothic, Zelda, Skyrim)".

Check out the trailer:

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Planned Features:

  • Classless RPG system. Customize your character’s appearance, origin, skills, and reputation.
  • Full RPG story experience. Solve complex quests, gather loyal companions, and befriend, antagonize, or romance interesting, characters.
  • Handcrafted open world. Explore a beautiful snowy landscape and survive its environmental hazards. Hunt, fish & perform mystical shaman rituals. 
  • Choice & consequence. Experience the aftermath of every action and shape your story.
  • Fort management. Build traps and siege equipment. Craft weapons, armor, and tools of war.
  • Turn-based combat. Fight in tactical battles against foes with unique AI tactics, gear, and skills.
  • Days are story turns. Each in-game day the map updates with new encounters, quests, and character storylines move forward based on previous day decisions.

Linux is clearly stated as a release platform with consoles being stretch goals:

Current platforms: PC Windows, Mac, Linux (Steam, GOG)

Stretch Goal Platforms: Nintendo Switch, Playstation, X-Box

Fund it on Kickstarter here and follow it on Steam.

They have until March 7, 2021 to hit their €23,000 goal.

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I am the owner of GamingOnLinux. After discovering Linux back in the days of Mandrake in 2003, I constantly came back to check on the progress of Linux until Ubuntu appeared on the scene and it helped me to really love it. You can reach me easily by emailing GamingOnLinux directly.
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dpanter Feb 3, 2021
The devs are imgurians btw, check out some of their nice posts for a little extra juice.
Arehandoro Feb 3, 2021
Has there been a trend of more Norse mythology based games lately or is it just me?
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