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Terraria for Stadia cancelled, due to Google locking the developer out

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Stadia is back on the spotlight and not for their overhype, new games or stopping first-party games, in fact it's due to Terraria now being cancelled due to Google locking the accounts of a developer. This isn't just any developer either, this is coming from Terraria developer Andrew Spinks, who is the founder of Re-Logic.

Spinks wrote a thread on Twitter, highlighting the issue after being locked out of a Google account now for three weeks. That means access has been lost to anything purchased on Google Play, all the data on Google Drive, even the official YouTube account for Terraria cannot be accessed due to all this.

In a follow-up tweet Spinks mentioned that the bridge has been burned and so Terraria for Google Stadia is officially done and cancelled and that Re-Logic will "no longer support any of your platforms moving forward" and in another "I will not be involved with a corporation that values their customers and partners so little. Doing business with you is a liability."

You would think, that if it was coming to Stadia and it was already rated for it by PEGI, that Google would be keeping a close eye on it. Enough to ensure the developer can actually access anything. Apparently not.

A time where Google could really use some good news for Stadia, treating developers like this is clearly not going to go over well with anyone. This will likely put off other developers too, the damage of this happening with such a hugely popular game can't be understated.

It's a shocking reminder that many of us (myself included) rely too heavily one on single provider for multiple things. Personally, I have begun moving from Gmail wherever possible to ProtonMail and might I suggest you try it too. The trouble with Google is they are almost everywhere, I couldn't imagine losing so much and never getting an answer.

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3zekiel 4 years Feb 8, 2021
QuoteIt's a shocking reminder that many of us (myself included) rely too heavily one on single provider for multiple things. Personally, I have begun moving from Gmail wherever possible to ProtonMail and might I suggest you try it too. The trouble with Google is they are almost everywhere, I couldn't imagine losing so much and never getting an answer.

I can suggest also Nextcloud (self hosted on a rpi or with a provider from official website). For search, qwant or duckduck go. As for phone, you can already turn off most apps, and if you have a flashable phone, lineage with microg is google free but can run even proprietary apps.
kerossin Feb 8, 2021
Google is great at coming up with new tech solutions and running systems at a global scale but boy do they suck at supporting their customers. We've seen this countless on YouTube with dubious DMCA claims taking down channels and only after a big enough uproar do things get looked at by someone at Google.

At this rate Google will make the owner of bankrupt because of constantly having to upgrade the hosting plan to accommodate all the dead Google projects lol.

Also, Liam makes a good point about relying on one provider for a lot of things. While it is convenient having one account but the risk of losing everything is too high. At the very least moving your email to a different provider might be good enough since email is used as a recovery method for most services so you could also lose access to other non-Google accounts if Google decides to terminate your account.
TheSHEEEP Feb 8, 2021
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I wonder what's the story behind this.
Google not replying to a medium-sized fish in the pond (who is no less developing for their thirsty-for-good-news-service) for three weeks straight is slightly concerning.

I'm just glad I never relied too much on Google services to begin with - other than Chrome, but that would definitely be replaceable. And the App Store, obviously, but I never spend money there, anyway.
Lucky me, I guess!

E-mail wise, I thankfully host my own (or, well, pay a provider to host it for me). It's just more professional if you have your own email domain ;)

Video-wise I try to get into a habit to look at first before I have to go to YouTube since most people I follow are unfortunately not on both.

Last edited by TheSHEEEP on 8 February 2021 at 11:17 am UTC
Hopfenmeister Feb 8, 2021
We have reached the point where losing your account on Google, Amazon, Facebook or whatever can ruin your life. Tell me how that is not worrisome.
DrMcCoy Feb 8, 2021
Quoting: TheSHEEEPE-mail wise, I thankfully host my own (or, well, pay a provider to host it for me)

Yes, and then Google just randomly throws half the mails you send to people with gmail accounts into their spam folder, where the recipients never see them...
TheSHEEEP Feb 8, 2021
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Quoting: DrMcCoyYes, and then Google just randomly throws half the mails you send to people with gmail accounts into their spam folder, where the recipients never see them...
Didn't happen to me a single time in 10+ years.

The provider is and the email hosting is part of a whole package including webserver, etc. It's actually a German provider, back from when I still lived in Germany.
I don't really run a webserver where I got some PHP service running with my self-signed certificate or anything like that, if that's what you thought

Last edited by TheSHEEEP on 8 February 2021 at 11:53 am UTC
psy-q Feb 8, 2021
For those interested in alternatives, Framasoft in France runs a whole bunch of Google-free services, all of which you can also host yourself.

Last edited by psy-q on 8 February 2021 at 11:56 am UTC
rea987 Feb 8, 2021
A week ago, I was in a Zoom call with some academicians from Germany; at the end of the call they repeatedly apologised that they had to put presentations and other materials on Google Drive which of course require a Google account. It sounded a bit exaggeration to me but it looks like those people are right to be worried. You may or may not break TOS in another service of Google, then entirely unrelated service might delete your entire academic storage. Nightmare...
Brisse Feb 8, 2021
Good to see all the degoogling advocates here

+1 for Protonmail. I'd like to add and to the list of the many smaller European alternatives to big tech.
gabber Feb 8, 2021
QuoteIt's a shocking reminder that many of us (myself included) rely too heavily one on single provider for multiple things.

Another reason not to push stadia, google is not our friend. If they were only a big company after money it would be one thing, but the even push politics.

It's good to see the world is starting to wake up and "degoogling" (while we're at it might I also suggest to "defacebook", "detwitter", "deamazon", "deapple" and "demicrosoft").
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