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Volo Airsport went open source with main development discontinued

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Here's a bit of open source news we missed from the end of last year. Volo Airsport, which entered Early Access back in 2014 has been discontinued by the developer and it went open source.

This is something I wished happened more often, ensuring all the time and effort isn't for nothing when a developer plans to move on from a game (especially when not finished). It turns out they actually walked away from it back in 2017, and then suddenly in December 2020 announced it was open source.

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The code is now up on GitHub under the GPL3 license. Something to note is that it uses the Unity game engine, so while the project itself is open source it does still rely on the proprietary game engine. A couple of commercial assets they used were also removed for the open source release which are noted on the project page.

You can find it on, Steam and now GitHub too.

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I am the owner of GamingOnLinux. After discovering Linux back in the days of Mandrake in 2003, I constantly came back to check on the progress of Linux until Ubuntu appeared on the scene and it helped me to really love it. You can reach me easily by emailing GamingOnLinux directly.
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Luke_Nukem Feb 16, 2021
Woah, this looks amazing!
Linas Feb 16, 2021
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Huge respect for them not just abandoning the game.
Julius Feb 16, 2021
A VR port would be probably cool. Although I would probably not want to do the more extreme stunts in VR ;)
Nanobang Feb 16, 2021
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When its time to part ways, this is the natural decision of an enlightened developer who truly loves their project.
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