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WW2 Co-op FPS Projekt Z shows off more impressive progress

By - | Views: 15,550

Three months since their last devlog, 314 Arts have shown off some more footage on Projekt Z, their upcoming first-person co-op game set during the second world war on a mysterious island full of zombies.

Inspired by the Left 4 Dead series, it's going to offer a rather different and far more brutal take on it. There's going to be multiple different game modes, along with a special hub area you build up as you progress through the game. You also have different characters with various abilities, along with plenty of realism sprinkles in like weapon malfunctions and a minimal HUD.

With the latest devlog they show off one of the modes: wave-based survival. They mentioned it's a good way to get plenty of gun-play testing to make sure it feels good. This mode sounds very much like the early Zombies mode in Call of Duty. Overall though Projekt Z is really shaping up to look good.

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At release it will be free to play and they have yet to reveal their monetization model but they say it will be "fair to both sides" and they want to show other developers how it can be done.

No release date is being mentioned but Linux support is planned.

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I am the owner of GamingOnLinux. After discovering Linux back in the days of Mandrake in 2003, I constantly came back to check on the progress of Linux until Ubuntu appeared on the scene and it helped me to really love it. You can reach me easily by emailing GamingOnLinux directly.
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M@GOid Feb 15, 2021
The developer appears to have received criticism about the game being free-to-play. And I am one that would prefer it to be pay once. Free to play means you have to use their servers, so lag will be a concern to people away from big centers, even countries. Also, you can forget community generated mods, something that was essential to their inspiration, L4D, to be so successful.

Another concern is if the game flops financially, it will be impossible to play again unless the developer make available community servers, a improbable prospect.

Anyway, I wish them good luck. Is a crowded market out there, and succeeding in it is not easy. But if this game gets to be the new Fortnight or PU:BG, certainly will be nice to have it available natively on Linux, although I can also see they adopting a anti-cheat plugin unavailable on Linux, once cheaters arrive in quantity, as they always do.
BielFPs Feb 15, 2021
Quoting: M@GOidThe developer appears to have received criticism about the game being free-to-play. And I am one that would prefer it to be pay once. Free to play means you have to use their servers, so lag will be a concern to people away from big centers, even countries. Also, you can forget community generated mods, something that was essential to their inspiration, L4D, to be so successful.

Another concern is if the game flops financially, it will be impossible to play again unless the developer make available community servers, a improbable prospect.

Anyway, I wish them good luck. Is a crowded market out there, and succeeding in it is not easy. But if this game gets to be the new Fortnight or PU:BG, certainly will be nice to have it available natively on Linux, although I can also see they adopting a anti-cheat plugin unavailable on Linux, once cheaters arrive in quantity, as they always do.

+1 for community hosted servers

Most of the developers of multiplayer games still overlook a factor that's essential in every multiplayer game: The server browser

I realized that most of the success multiplayer games have a server browser that can tell:

-How many servers are activated at the time
-How many people are currently playing in the specific server
-Who are the players inside

A server browser with these kind of information, instead of a generic "search for games", usually make people play those games for a long time, because they always know how "alive" the game is.
Userwithaname Feb 16, 2021
The survival mode looks like a complete clone of CoD:WaW zombies, and it's exactly what I've been looking for recently. I can't wait to give this game a try. Hoping for some Kevin Sherwood-style soundtracks sprinkled in there as well.

Last edited by Userwithaname on 16 February 2021 at 12:33 am UTC
14 Feb 21, 2021
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I got tired of WW2 games a long time ago. Zombies are boring to me too. BUT I am dying for a good shooter on Linux with good graphics that I can play with my friends, be it co-op or team-based multiplayer. Remember Rainbow Six? SWAT 4? Insurgency (old now)? The Battlefield series? Games like that are still weak in the Linux market. This Projekt Z wouldn't be interesting to me if I had more choices, but since I don't, I'll be watching for its release.
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