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Inspired in parts by the likes of Puyo Puyo Tetris, Aloof is a wonderfully designed puzzle-fighter with enough differences and a wonderful atmosphere that make it worth picking up. A brand new release from studio ButtonX with full Linux support, Aloof has you summon small islands as you face off against various opponents to build different shapes. It's genuinely quite lovely!

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Some of what Aloof offers includes:

  • Full solo or co-op campaign with puzzle levels, matches versus AI, rescue missions and bosses! (offline)
  • Beat the online adventure by defeating 3 opponents in a row, but lose and start all over (online 1v1 or 2v2).
  • Or practice the online adventure against AI opponents, get familiar with the levels and tune your tactics (offline 1v1 or 2v2).
  • Play against your friends in 1v1 or 2v2 matches (offline).

The relaxed rules around pieces movement is what really sells it for me. While other games in the genre rely often on both speed and accuracy, Aloof is more about reacting to your opponent. Pieces move when you move them, in any direction too. You can also flush away a mess you made at any time to refresh your building area, and you also have two fields you can swap around at any point. Overall it's just a great puzzle-fighter well worth looking at.

Want to win a key? We have a few provided by the developer to give away! Simply note in the comments you wish to be entered, and winners will be directly messaged on Wednesday, March 31.

You can buy Aloof on Steam.

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I am the owner of GamingOnLinux. After discovering Linux back in the days of Mandrake in 2003, I constantly came back to check on the progress of Linux until Ubuntu appeared on the scene and it helped me to really love it. You can reach me easily by emailing GamingOnLinux directly.
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Wolfenprey Mar 29, 2021
Wow, seems so nice! The ideal game for play with my daughter! Yes, i want a key! I wish to enter and try my luck! And wish luck to all other too!
bezirg Mar 29, 2021
Count me in for the contest! Looks like a cool game
ShiftSYX Mar 29, 2021
Looks like the perfect game to play with my family. Would love to get a key for this!
win8linux Mar 29, 2021
Seems like Tetris Effect but available for Linux and with a narrative. Rather intriguing and would definitely appreciate getting a key for this!
cruc2019 Mar 29, 2021
Anything that looks and plays like Tetris is my game! I would love a key for this.
obi1 Mar 29, 2021
Looks like it could be a lot of fun similar to Tunblestone and Tricky Towers. I would like a key.
Ashagua Mar 29, 2021
Looks like a fun game! Sign me up for the contest!
cwbutcher Mar 29, 2021
Chuck my name in the hat please. Thanks
dpanter Mar 29, 2021
I wish to be entered.
ErwinJunge Mar 29, 2021
I wish to be entered in the contest as well. Looks fun!
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