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Chronicon, one of my favourite 2D action-RPGs developed by Subworld just released a major 1.20 upgrade and after quite some time being out of date - the Linux build is once again sorted.

From what I've seen the developer say on the Linux delay, they had problems in the latest Game Maker Studio with Linux and ended up getting direct support from the game engine team to sort it and it shouldn't happen in future so that's a nice outcome.

Some of the big new features of Chronicon 1.20 include:

  • New Tinka's Domain! Complete with a brand new music track for it.
  • Added Skin & Dye system (Wardrobe) - access it by interacting with the new red Wardrobe in Tinka's Domain or The Chronicon (near your stash).
  • Added 2 additional skins for each class, unlockable via story and endgame progression on a per-class basis (account-wide unlock).
  • Added 32 dyes: 8 per class - 4 base dyes that are always available, and 4 dyes that drop from bosses randomly (account-wide unlock).
  • Note: Your character is no longer automatically dyed based on skill point distribution - the new dye system overwrites this! But the base 4 dyes are very similar to the old system.
  • Added a Death Recap system! Click the new Death Recap button after you've died to see the last 25 changes to your health, including detailed information such as damage element, direct/indirect, absorbs, healing, and more.
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In some studio news, Subworld is now officially a duo with the original developer announcing that "as of a few months ago, my fiancée has officially joined Subworld and the development of Chronicon". While they've been working on it together before, more responsibilities have been taken on to push the game even further.

You can find Chronicon on Humble Store and Steam.

Article taken from GamingOnLinux.com.
About the author -
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I am the owner of GamingOnLinux. After discovering Linux back in the days of Mandrake in 2003, I constantly came back to check on the progress of Linux until Ubuntu appeared on the scene and it helped me to really love it. You can reach me easily by emailing GamingOnLinux directly.
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Nezchan Mar 25, 2021
This is another game I wish I liked better than I do.

I mean it's fun when you get on a roll and you're wasting enemies by the dozen, but it's something of a slog getting to that point, and the amount of loot that basically amounts to junk that you have to pass over really doesn't feel great to me. I tried playing the Berserker and it felt really weak for the first dozen levels or so, which wasn't exactly a spur to play more and see if he got fun later.
obi1 Mar 26, 2021
gamepads are still not working for me, so no coop
spesk Mar 27, 2021
Excited to see another update for this game. Played a ton of it a while ago; had a blast min/maxing my build and tapping into that awesome Diablo II "steam rolling everything" game play.
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