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Interactive movie adventure The Dark Side of the Moon is out now

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Love your FMV adventures? The Dark Side of the Moon is a brand new interactive movie featuring live-action video and point & click elements out now on Steam along with full Linux support.

"When his two children randomly vanish throughout the night, it's up to you to help Dean Hamilton bring them back home. As the mystery deepens decisions will need to be made and it's down to you to make the right ones. Who can you trust? Who's doing this? What's the significance of the impending solar eclipse? And what are those strange glowing lights in the sky?"

In The Dark Side of the Moon you explore a little village called Marywine where you will need to solve puzzles and find out what's going on in this sci-fi thriller. Check out the official trailer below:

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Developed by the British developer Tayanna Studios, a "one-man" outfit from West Yorkshire. This is their second full game to be commercially released. Being a movie / adventure hybrid this time around there's obviously more than just Darren Hall of Tayanna Studios involved with a varied cast of characters.

"I am excited to share the amazing work of our fantastic team and the opportunity to tell this deep story which will allow players to feel as if they are living out the adventure themselves that captures the essence of what FMV and interactive story-telling is all about." — Darren Hall of Tayanna Studios.

You can buy it on Steam.

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I am the owner of GamingOnLinux. After discovering Linux back in the days of Mandrake in 2003, I constantly came back to check on the progress of Linux until Ubuntu appeared on the scene and it helped me to really love it. You can reach me easily by emailing GamingOnLinux directly.
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dubigrasu Mar 12, 2021
QuoteThe Dark Side of the Moon is a brand new interactive movie
There is no Dark Side in the Moon, really. Matter of fact, it's all dark.
tuubi Mar 12, 2021
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Quoting: dubigrasu
QuoteThe Dark Side of the Moon is a brand new interactive movie
There is no Dark Side in the Moon, really. Matter of fact, it's all dark.
It's a damn good album though.
dubigrasu Mar 12, 2021
Ah, you made my day!
I was deliberately cryptic with this obscure reference, curious to see who (if any) gets it.
And I know it was rather off topic, but it was impossible for me to resist.
dpanter Mar 12, 2021
If you're referring to the Pink Floyd album, "obscure" ain't the word you're looking for. It's one of the most well known and most highly regarded albums of all times.

Game looks cool as well, great trailer!
tuubi Mar 12, 2021
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Quoting: dpanterIf you're referring to the Pink Floyd album, "obscure" ain't the word you're looking for. It's one of the most well known and most highly regarded albums of all times.
Yeah the album is anything but obscure, but he probably thought his Roger Waters quote was a bit less well known. In any case, it brightened my workday, reading his comment with "Time" playing in the background.
hummer010 Mar 12, 2021
I live near a small town called Marwayne (population: 521). I initially read Marywine as Marwayne and thought what an obscure location to place this story!
Bumadar Mar 12, 2021
Quoting: dubigrasu
QuoteThe Dark Side of the Moon is a brand new interactive movie
There is no Dark Side in the Moon, really. Matter of fact, it's all dark.

Thank you, now I've got "and if the band you're in starts playing different tunes, I'll see you on the darkside of the moon" in my head for the last 20 minutes
dubigrasu Mar 12, 2021
Quoting: dpanterIf you're referring to the Pink Floyd album, "obscure" ain't the word you're looking for. It's one of the most well known and most highly regarded albums of all times.
No, the specific quote I posted is arguably obscure, is just after the final piece of the album and at a somewhat lower volume, not impossible to miss. Heck, the whole album is riddled with things like this. It took me a good while to discover all (?) of them. Some of them are just barely audible. And if you listen to the quadraphonic version you'll find some more (not present on the stereo version).

Last edited by dubigrasu on 12 March 2021 at 9:05 pm UTC
Nezchan Mar 12, 2021
Quoting: dpanterIf you're referring to the Pink Floyd album, "obscure" ain't the word you're looking for. It's one of the most well known and most highly regarded albums of all times.

Game looks cool as well, great trailer!

Now if they wanted to be cryptic, they'd say "It looks good, but not as good as several species of small furry animals gathered together in a cave and grooving with a Pict."
Purple Library Guy Mar 13, 2021
Quoting: Nezchan
Quoting: dpanterIf you're referring to the Pink Floyd album, "obscure" ain't the word you're looking for. It's one of the most well known and most highly regarded albums of all times.

Game looks cool as well, great trailer!

Now if they wanted to be cryptic, they'd say "It looks good, but not as good as several species of small furry animals gathered together in a cave and grooving with a Pict."
First bit of Pink Floyd I ever heard.
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