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While it's been available on for a while, the free comedy point and click adventure Hair of the Dog is up on Steam now as a great reminder for people to play it.

Developed by Tall Story Games originally for the AdventureXJam 2020, it's a quality voiced retro pixel-art styled game with some great sarcastic humour that promises a thoroughly "British adventure".

"After a mysterious explosion over Victorian London, Cummerbund Bandersnatch visits his uncle to find he's been experimenting with a new formula he's created in an attempt to give himself a "good time". Seduced by the promises in his uncle's journal, Cummerbund decides to drink the same formula and discovers that his life will no longer be the same again (at least between the hours of 8pm - 8am daily)."

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  • Control time – but beware it comes at a cost!
  • From Louse-tamers to street urchins, you'll encounter a cast of colourful characters.
  • Explore rich environments with an abundance of witty retorts to almost everything you can point your cursor at.
  • Enjoy the distinctive and beautifully realised voice acting (English)
  • Travel instantly between scenes with a double-click.
  • Having trouble? Just hit the space bar to get a sneaky peek of each scene’s hotspots.

It's free so go give it a try.

Find it on and now Steam too.

Article taken from
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I am the owner of GamingOnLinux. After discovering Linux back in the days of Mandrake in 2003, I constantly came back to check on the progress of Linux until Ubuntu appeared on the scene and it helped me to really love it. You can reach me easily by emailing GamingOnLinux directly.
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Dorrit Mar 25, 2021
Point and Click, Victorian themed, up my alley
whizse Mar 25, 2021
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Looks great! We seem to have entered a golden era of retro adventure games.

I'm however having the same problem with this game as with Lucy Dreaming, launching the game results in two black flashing windows. Workaround, create or edit config.ini with:

RESOLUTION = 1920x1080

I guess it's a common bug with Visionaire Studio?
tuubi Mar 25, 2021
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Can't say no to another good looking adventure game, especially when it's free.

Quoting: whizseI guess it's a common bug with Visionaire Studio?
Yep. It's a known engine bug. Liam wrote about it in his Mutropolis article.

Here's the relevant bit:
Quoting: Liam DaweFor the Linux version, for now you're going to need to play it in windowed mode due to a fullscreen bug with the Visionaire Studio game engine. However, a fix for that should be coming within the next week or so. Alternatively it may work okay in Proton if no fullscreen bugs you enough.
The "next week" came and went, but apparently a fix is still being worked on.
oldominion Mar 26, 2021
I had the same bug with the flashing, wanted to close the game, pressed the super key on GNOME, pressed it again and the game worked in full screen normal. Didn't put anything in the config file.
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