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Political strategy game Rogue State Revolution is out now

By - | Views: 15,807

Rogue State Revolution, a thrilling political strategy game from LRDGames, Inc. and Modern Wolf is out now with full Linux support and built with Godot Engine.

"A completely new and re-imagined Rogue State, get ready for a highly challenging roguelike geopolitical thriller designed for both longtime fans and new arrivals. Take control of the presidency and rebuild, reform and prepare for new challenges as the Glorious People's Republic of Basenji becomes a new political, economic and cultural hotspot."

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Feature Highlight:

  • Procedural map generation will make each run unique — so don't get too comfortable.
  • Appoint Ministers to help govern the various elements of your proud nation. Make them too popular and you may find yourself replaced in the next election.
  • Heed your advisors who have devoted themselves to helping your presidential reign be successful.
  • Build roads, grow infrastructure and develop industries.
  • Manage 5 different provinces, each with their own cultural background, voter types and expectations.
  • Choose to use diplomacy to forge alliances with neighboring countries and develop sustainable relationships with international powers like the US, China, or Russia — or go it alone.
  • Deal with totally normal occurrences like bipedal mechs getting loose.
  • Make tough decisions — balance favour with ministers, voters and allies to maintain your power.
  • Enjoy the future of interactive entertainment - FMV cutscenes!

We've not had any contact with the developer or publisher on this one for a key but going by Steam user reviews, so far it has been quite well received by players. There's only a few negative reviews, with it having a "Very Positive" rating overall so it looks like LRDGames might have done well here. Always nice to see more unique strategy games land on Linux too.

You can buy it on Steam where it's 10% off until March 25.

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I am the owner of GamingOnLinux. After discovering Linux back in the days of Mandrake in 2003, I constantly came back to check on the progress of Linux until Ubuntu appeared on the scene and it helped me to really love it. You can reach me easily by emailing GamingOnLinux directly.
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1 comment

Binogure Mar 23, 2021
The game looks dope! Love Godot! Love FOSS
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