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Ominux Games have announced their exciting upcoming space station building sim Starmancer is coming along nicely, and there's a Beta going up on March 31.

This Beta will be supported across Linux, macOS and Windows and will be available to people who pre-order before March 31 as that will be stopped after then, plus people who pledged for Beta access on Kickstarter also get access. The developer made it clear this is not a "fear-of-missing-out tactic", and to wait until the release if that's better for you. Likely it's just to cut down on the amount of reports to a manageable level.

You can see their Beta announcement video below:

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Their plan is for the Beta to continue from then until release, as they work to "fix bugs, add features and do a lot of balance changes over time" but the primary purpose now is to "take what already exists, and make it more fun—improving the sandbox".

For a two-person team, what they've been able to make with it is seriously impressive.

Additionally they have a long-play video up to see much more of it in action:

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Nice to see another crowdfunded game doing so well, as we're tracking quite a lot.

You can follow Starmancer on Steam.

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I am the owner of GamingOnLinux. After discovering Linux back in the days of Mandrake in 2003, I constantly came back to check on the progress of Linux until Ubuntu appeared on the scene and it helped me to really love it. You can reach me easily by emailing GamingOnLinux directly.
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scaine Mar 29, 2021
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  • Contributing Editor
  • Mega Supporter
Like an isometric Oxygen Not Included. Without the vomit (hopefully). I'm not a huge fan of these games, but ONI was excellent and I'm getting a nice vibe from this one. Another one for my watchlist!
Siinamon Mar 29, 2021
Hm, it looks pretty neat! I've put it on my wishlist to see how it does later. I am new to Oxygen Not Included and another ONI-style game would probably do me in entirely right now
jens Mar 29, 2021
  • Supporter
Nice to see progress, locking forward to this one.
Draconicrose Mar 30, 2021
This one caught my eye when it was just some screenshots. I hope development goes well and they release to at least modest success!
Purple Library Guy Mar 30, 2021
The picture showing before you start the video looks like something I should be playing pinball on.
14 Apr 3, 2021
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Nice to see an update! I've had this game at the top of my wishlist for quite a while now. I plan to buy it on release day.
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