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The expansion of Remote Play Together with Invite Anyone is now live and out of Beta, along with a big update to the Steam Client for all platforms.

What is Remote Play Together - Invite Anyone? It's a way for you to host a game on your PC with Steam, copy a link and send that link to anyone to be able to join. Friends don't even need a Steam account, just access to Steam Link on any device they have and they can then join your game streamed from your PC. It's actually quite brilliant. Now that the Steam Link app is out for Linux proper too, it makes it even better.

Ready for more games too? On March 25, Valve will be hosting a big Remote Play Together Sale & Streaming Event featuring thousands of discounted games and a livestreaming marathon to show the feature in action and they will be inviting chatters to join in with special guest streamers.

Additionally a Steam Client Update went out which adds this new feature for everyone along with plenty of other fixes. For Linux especially it adds this:

  • Added support for the new Mesa single-file shader cache format, reducing disk usage and improving performance when parsing and modifying the cache. (requires Mesa master as of 08101aaaace22)
  • Fixed a regression where the client would recursively follow symlinks in Proton install folders while discovering music files
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Tags: Apps, Steam
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I am the owner of GamingOnLinux. After discovering Linux back in the days of Mandrake in 2003, I constantly came back to check on the progress of Linux until Ubuntu appeared on the scene and it helped me to really love it. You can reach me easily by emailing GamingOnLinux directly.
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hardpenguin Mar 23, 2021
Quoting: GamingOnLinuxOn March 25, Valve will be hosting a big Remote Play Together Sale & Streaming Event featuring thousands of discounted games and a livestreaming marathon to show the feature in action and they will be inviting chatters to join in with special guest streamers.
It is possible that D-Corp might be a part of that 😉

Dropping this here in case anyone wanted to wishlist:

Last edited by hardpenguin on 23 March 2021 at 12:24 pm UTC
Nocifer Mar 23, 2021
Oh great, between this and GOG's Spring Sale, I predict I'll end up with a(n even more) huge backlog and a depressingly empty wallet... But that aside, I haven't personally tested this so I don't know how well it performs in practice (specifically, how lean it is when it comes to network speed requirements - if it's gonna start lagging with 3+ concurrent players on an average household's xDSL connection then its usefulness will be rather limited) but on paper, hoo boy, it sounds simply *incredible*.

Kudos to Valve yet again! As an avid gamer who also loves Linux and doesn't use Windows unless it's a life-threatening emergency (aka practically never), in all seriousness I can't even imagine how my life would be without Steam's contributions to Wine (via Proton) and Linux gaming in general (from their contributions to the Linux kernel, to lobbying Nvidia and game developers, to their funding of many Wine developers, to their porting of the Steam client and the Steam Link client to Linux... the list just goes on and on). I mean, at this point I'm not even bothered* by Steam being a DRM'd platform rather than a free one. And TBH that's something to blame on the game developers/publishers and the general socioeconomic paradigm we live in, not on Valve.

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