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Out for your next survival game that isn't Valheim? Do give Vintage Story a go, which on the surface looks like Minecraft but it's so much more interesting and far deeper mechanically.

While this is mainly a stability update for the previous release, which was pretty huge, some fun bits have been put in. One of the big additions is an official Mod Database, for players to upload and download from. Eventually, they said, it will integrate with the game client to "blur the line on what is vanilla content and what is modded content" (if you want to use it, that is).

The rest of the update is mostly small tweaks and fixes but their support of Linux continues shining. For Linux players, you should hopefully see improved support for running the game on Wayland. They upgraded the version of OpenTK used along with some extra Wayland fixes that should improve mouse support there. See the full changelog here.

If you missed it, check out the trailer for their last major update below:

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The next major update with 1.15 is already sounding interesting with "some excellent work on improving performance in several key areas of the game" plus new music, new mobs and much more.

You can buy it from Humble Store and the official site. I suggest you do, it's awesome. A community member is also hosting a server for Linux fans, check that out on our forum.

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I am the owner of GamingOnLinux. After discovering Linux back in the days of Mandrake in 2003, I constantly came back to check on the progress of Linux until Ubuntu appeared on the scene and it helped me to really love it. You can reach me easily by emailing GamingOnLinux directly.
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Liam Dawe Mar 3, 2021
Quoting: AkonadyGreat, another Minecraft wannabe.
That's a very ignorant take on it. Vintage Story is vastly different, far more depth to the features. Especially the crafting, where you have to actually make things. Graphically? Yes it has blocks, that doesn't make something Minecraft.
scaine Mar 3, 2021
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It's the curse of the voxel engine game, I suppose, to always be compared to Minecraft. This plays nothing like Minecraft, from what I can tell. The depth in this game far surpasses anything Minecraft offers, even in modded servers. However, the core engine looks enough like Minecraft that people just blink and move on. It's a real shame.
FifteenthPen Mar 3, 2021
Quoting: AkonadyGreat, another Minecraft wannabe.

Minecraft is just an Infiniminer wannabe.
foobrew Mar 3, 2021
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I never really understood the Minecraft craze. I can't count how many times over the years (before MS bought it) I tried to get into it but just couldn't. It just felt too dull and pointless..maybe too open. I love open world games, in general, but I also like to have some sense of direction/goals/achievements/story/something and I just never felt any of that with Minecraft. It felt like playing around with a game engine but not an actual game. I'm also not against retro graphics but the voxel thing just doesn't excite me.

Having said all that, this game actually sounds really interesting after watching the video and reading the description on their website. The Lovecraft angle was not something I expected but am very intrigued by. The devs sound like the kind I'd like to support too; very indie and no tricks.

I wish it was on Steam but I guess they have their reasons for not supporting that platform. Looks like it's $2 cheaper to buy directly from them but you have to create an account on their site first. Does GOL get any kickback from buying directly from them or only through Humble?

- Update -
I just picked it up from Humble (via the GOL) link. Looks like the extra $2 vs. the developer's site just goes to charity so that's fine with me.

Last edited by foobrew on 3 March 2021 at 10:42 pm UTC
Chronarius Mar 4, 2021
Quoting: scaineIt's the curse of the voxel engine game, I suppose, to always be compared to Minecraft. This plays nothing like Minecraft, from what I can tell. The depth in this game far surpasses anything Minecraft offers, even in modded servers. However, the core engine looks enough like Minecraft that people just blink and move on. It's a real shame.

Erm.. you know that this game has his roots in Minecraft, right? It was released as a Minecraft-Mod before it became a standalone game. Also you can find a lot of the mechanics still in Minecraft Mods.

BTW: Is this "Time Stability" crap still in the game? What is it? What is this Rust World and why does it affect my world? What does this creatures called Drifters want? In the Wiki to the game you find almost no information about it. IMHO a feature which hasn't been properly thought through and poorly explained is just annoying. Without it the game would be much more fun.
Tchey Mar 4, 2021
I thing it’s the game i’ve played the most hours cumulated in the last 5 years let’s say.

The "Minecraft wannabe" comments are the ones i read the most everywhere i write about Vintage Story, even among "oldest players", it’s really... heavy... and so wrong.

Every new major update, i’m cursed to play even more.

Last edited by Tchey on 4 March 2021 at 12:34 pm UTC
scaine Mar 4, 2021
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Quoting: Chronarius
Quoting: scaineIt's the curse of the voxel engine game, I suppose, to always be compared to Minecraft. This plays nothing like Minecraft, from what I can tell. The depth in this game far surpasses anything Minecraft offers, even in modded servers. However, the core engine looks enough like Minecraft that people just blink and move on. It's a real shame.

Erm.. you know that this game has his roots in Minecraft, right? It was released as a Minecraft-Mod before it became a standalone game. Also you can find a lot of the mechanics still in Minecraft Mods.

Sure. You know that Rocket League started life as an Unreal Tournament mod, right? Or Team Fortress as a Quake mod?

My point is that those games don't look anything like their original mods/inspirations. But Vintage Story choose a voxel engine and as a result, no-one can see past that. "Just another minecraft wannabe", however, is as insulting as it can get for the dev. This plays very little like Minecraft, but looks enough like Minecraft, that it's frustratingly common.

Not just this game, of course. The wannabe statement has been popular for decades. Sometimes it's valid, I suppose, but I prefer to dig a little deeper most of the time.
14 Mar 6, 2021
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Quoting: foobrewI wish it was on Steam but I guess they have their reasons for not supporting that platform. Looks like it's $2 cheaper to buy directly from them but you have to create an account on their site first. Does GOL get any kickback from buying directly from them or only through Humble?

- Update -
I just picked it up from Humble (via the GOL) link. Looks like the extra $2 vs. the developer's site just goes to charity so that's fine with me.
Looks like I'm too late. I was gonna say I bought it long ago on oh, upon looking now, they only have an old release on Itch to act as a demo and you can't buy the game there anymore. Bummer.

Regarding an account, the developer has actually posted here around 1-2 years ago that the game does a one-time purchase validation and then you don't have to sign in anymore.
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