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What have you been playing recently, come tell your thoughts

By - | Views: 37,630

It's the weekend and it has again been a while since we had a community talking point article, so here we are!

Time to make a cup of your favourite brew, put on some headphones, turn the volume up and get some serious gaming done. The question is though: what play button do we click on? What game eats up all of our time?

For a lot of people that will be a stupid question as the answer is probably…Valheim. It certainly is for me, as it's an absolutely fantastic experience. In my own play-through, the second boss has recently been defeated after a casual 50+ hours and it just keeps on getting better. So much to see and do, so much to discover and get excited about.

If you're interested, a developer on Twitter made a thread about some Valheim performance troubles and it's an interesting little read. Now that Iron Gate have plenty of monies from over 6 million sales, hopefully they can get someone in to go through the game and optimize it some more.

Valheim has sucked me in so much so that I've not had much time to go back to the also excellent Loop Hero, which is sat in my library begging to be played. It feels good to have so many great games waiting though!

Over to you in the comments: what have you been playing recently? Do tell us your thoughts on it.

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I am the owner of GamingOnLinux. After discovering Linux back in the days of Mandrake in 2003, I constantly came back to check on the progress of Linux until Ubuntu appeared on the scene and it helped me to really love it. You can reach me easily by emailing GamingOnLinux directly.
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eon2000 May 23, 2021
All X Series games by egosoft. Games I play since 1995-2021.on.Shoot EM Ups-STG-Manic STG, all FPS,4X,TPS,Strategy,Run&Gun,Twinstick shooters,VECTOR,& more.
care for everyone here. GameingOnLinux onward.

mathematics,paths,strategys,technical...I use and Advance of
the 4.
The 4 lets you win games.....
Siinamon Jun 8, 2021
Quoting: eon2000All X Series games by egosoft.

I just started X4 and it's pretty amazing!
Lachu Jun 8, 2021
Some sort of Batman Game (Argham's Assault?). It works great with proton. I only done first mission. Only one problem (at now) was slowdown, when loading first level (when video ends to play).
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