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Arcen Games have released another post-release massive free update for all players, along with a new expansion announcement for their grand-strategy RTS.

AI War 2 is a game about defeating the odds that are thoroughly stacked against you. A terrible artificially intelligence has conquered the galaxy and it's up to you to fight back against the overwhelming odds. Not seen it before or somehow never heard of it? Check out the original trailer:

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Paradigm Shift is the new free upgrade for everyone, out now.

"The new Paradigm Shift update (v2.800) for AI War 2 reimagines players' relationship to luck within the context of the game," according to lead developer Chris McElligott Park. "Procedural generation is an excellent tool often misused, but we've always had two competing ideologies within the AI War titles: one, you're constructing an empire of your own design; and two, you're having to adapt to what you find and be clever with tools that are not always your top favorites."

"There has always been a push and pull between these two competing ideas, and this new Paradigm Shift, as we call it, brings them into greater balance, while also reducing the impact of luck, and increasing the number of shooting conflicts you're likely to get into."

Additionally the Zenith Onslaught expansion is confirmed to be releasing on May 18 which will feature "small" details like powerful new elite Cruisers that you can put in a new slot in your fleets, to galaxy-spanning empires like the Dark Zenith and the Zenith Architrave, this expansion is filled with new tools to use and new foes to untangle. There will also be "Wormhole Borers" that let some of the AIs alter maps, and Nomad Planets will roam around the map too plus awhole lot more.

Even more exciting is that when this expansion launches, the online multiplayer mode for AI War 2 will also launch for everyone free at the same time.

You can pick up AI War 2 from Humble Store, GOG and Steam.

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