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Out for your next local multiplayer experience? Steelbreakers takes the style of classic Zelda games and turns it into an arena-styled brawler with different maps and modes. Covered by us last Summer when it had a demo up, the development on it continued and a 1.0 release is out now.

An extremely charming and polished little brawler and one that's a lot of fun if you manage to get someone to play with. One that shouldn't need much of an introduction. It's a 2D fighting game where you pick your map, mode, character and weapons and then go head-to-head to see who is the best. It looks absolutely fantastic and really brings back the feel of some classics with nice little modern touches.

The 1.0 release comes with multiple modes to pick from including:

  • Stock - Defeat all other players and be the last team standing to win. Change your team during character select by pressing left/right. Each time a player runs out of HP, they are defeated and lose a stock. If a player has stock remaining, that player will respawn at a random spawnpoint. If the player is out of stocks, they are removed from the game.
  • Relic - Players must pick up and hold onto the crown for the specified period of time in order to win. The counter resets when the relic is dropped for any reason (such as being hit or throwing it or falling off the stage while holding it).
  • Wave Defense - Select the number of waves of enemies you want to fight. Subsequent waves will include additional monsters. You can play this mode alone or as a team. If a map has monsters included normally, then the first wave will begin after clearing the original set of monsters. Best Time Records will be saved based on the chosen map, number of waves and number of active players.
  • Hunters - Compete with other teams to defeat the target amount of enemies before the other team can. Waves will progress as in Wave Defense mode. Best Time Records will be saved based on the chosen map and number of active players.
  • Beacon - Be the first team to activate the target number of beacons on the map by interacting with them. Beacons can be stolen by other teams by activating ones already active.
  • Target Practice - Destroy all of the targets on the map as quickly as you can. Best Time Records are saved based on the map selected and number of active players.

Since it's local only, you can also try out using something like Parsec to play with others online.

You can play it free on or donate too if you like it.

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I am the owner of GamingOnLinux. After discovering Linux back in the days of Mandrake in 2003, I constantly came back to check on the progress of Linux until Ubuntu appeared on the scene and it helped me to really love it. You can reach me easily by emailing GamingOnLinux directly.
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1 comment

Migwell Apr 8, 2021
So it's not split screen, but it's local co-op. Is it kind of like a shared camera that tries to keep everyone on-screen simultaneously?
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