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Done in a similar amusing way to The Procession to Calvary (different developer), the upcoming point and click adventure The Frogs puts you into Renaissance art based on a play from Aristophanes.

Planned for release late 2021 from developer Michael Wells, you will "Survive awful puns, break all the fourth walls you run across, and challenge the boundaries of morality as you deal with immortality". Sounds exactly like the kind of adventure I want to go on. Check out the trailer below:

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The idea is a fun one and seems to be done quite well. Merging together classic artwork that's been stitched together with animations, public domain classic musical and plenty of humour that the developer said is "way too influenced by the likes of Terry Practhett and Jasper Fforde".

What the developer says to expect from it includes:

  • Innovative Point-and-Click Interface
  • Ancient Humor Circa 405 BCE
  • Choices That Matter
  • Multiple Solutions to Puzzles
  • Renaissance Artwork
  • Classical Music
  • Hidden Optional Content
  • Tons Of Interactive Elements and NPCs
  • References So Niche You'll Wonder Why I Bothered
  • Multiple Endings Whether Aristophanes Likes It Or Not
  • What's He Gonna Do? Come Back From the Dead and Get Me?

You can follow The Frogs on Steam with a demo available right now.

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I am the owner of GamingOnLinux. After discovering Linux back in the days of Mandrake in 2003, I constantly came back to check on the progress of Linux until Ubuntu appeared on the scene and it helped me to really love it. You can reach me easily by emailing GamingOnLinux directly.
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1 comment

Philadelphus Apr 8, 2021
Brekekekex, ko-ax, ko-ax! Funnily enough I was just randomly reading about The Frogs (the Aristophanes play alluded to) a few weeks ago on Wikipedia. Looks like a pretty amusing game.
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