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Wayward is an Early Access survival roguelike about being out in the wilderness, and now it's getting a little bit tougher with the Seafarer+ update adding in a new temperature system.

Not only are you now worried with your normal needs and crafting, you also need to battle directly against the elements with three temperature-related status effects, a new "insulation" property for equipment and containers, and more! The developer says it's one of the biggest updates to the game ever.

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Some of the other highlights from this big upgrade include:

  • Added a new "Mastercrafted" item quality, only obtained through high-skill and efficacy crafting.
  • Treasure hunting has been completely redesigned.
  • Added tin ore, a lightweight but very soft and low durability metal that can be used in blunt-only weaponry, tools, armor, or mixed with copper to create bronze.
  • Added the powerful bronze metal, an alloy crafted with copper and tin and to be used in late-game weaponry, tools and armor. Iron can still outclass bronze in certain regards relating to blunt resistances and blunt-based tools.
  • Added tool use properties/values (and quality bonuses) for reinforce, start fire, repair, carve, dig, gather, rest, and more. Learn more about this by inspecting items to see their action information.
  • Magical item properties (previously called legendaries) are no longer tied to a certain quality and can exist on multiple quality types now and are no longer restricted to a single property per item.
  • Added lots of new content to ice cap biomes including new wall/floor types (ice/snow), items, equipment, creatures, plants, and more!
  • Added multiple new creatures, some with unique mechanics and items.
  • Added in attack animations for each damage type.

It seems at least on Steam, Wayward is doing reasonable well overall. They've hit a Very Positive rating with it closing in on 800 user reviews.

You can grab Wayward on Humble Store and Steam.

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I am the owner of GamingOnLinux. After discovering Linux back in the days of Mandrake in 2003, I constantly came back to check on the progress of Linux until Ubuntu appeared on the scene and it helped me to really love it. You can reach me easily by emailing GamingOnLinux directly.
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Tchey Apr 17, 2021
This game was nice back in early 2013 when i first played it.
Today it’s one of the best of its kind, if not the best.
slaapliedje Apr 17, 2021
So how does this compare to Valheim?

It is funny, whenever I think of Survival games, I think of Robinson's Requiem and Deus.
These two games truly give you the feel of being out in the wilderness and trying to survive. You can fall, and instead of taking generic damage, you break your ankles or legs. You can get cuts that get infected and you have to amputate...
Would be amazing if someone recreated these phenomenal games.
Nezchan Apr 17, 2021
I've had my eye on this for quite a while. Not sure if I want to get it right now, given the new Subnautica game is out next month, but I must say it's powerfully tempting.
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