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Trying to survive in a sparse landscape, Veil of Dust: A Homesteading Game puts you in the shoes of someone just trying to keep going and find your way after loss.

Mixing together elements of a visual novel, with farming, foraging, crafting and more - the developer Calamity Bay Games explains that it's "historically-grounded" which makes me quite curious about it. However, it's also mixing in some mystery and magic too so it's all kinds of things. You need to solve the sudden appearance of some magical beasts, while dealing with the sparse landscape to have enough to eat. Check out the trailer:

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We spoke with the developer over email who explained that it's built with GameMaker Studio, and they regularly test their Linux builds. Not only that, they have an Ubuntu user on their team (who mentioned a recent love of OpenRA) so you can be sure it's all going to work nicely. Some of what to expect includes:


Manage your seeds, energy, and resources to keep a steady supply of sustenance.

  • Maintain your supply of seeds
  • Use magic to hasten growth
  • Grow certain crops to fulfill different needs
  • Craft items such as mulch to ward off the desert heat


The landscape holds ample resources if you know where to look

  • Walk the vast expanses and keep your eyes peeled
  • Grab forageables quickly before they escape your notice
  • Obtain unique resources you can't grow at home


Collect resources such as meat and hides to supplement your garden's production

  • Track your prey across the open landscape
  • Stalk the creature in the sage
  • Attack skillfully to avoid an escape

Follow it along on Steam.

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I am the owner of GamingOnLinux. After discovering Linux back in the days of Mandrake in 2003, I constantly came back to check on the progress of Linux until Ubuntu appeared on the scene and it helped me to really love it. You can reach me easily by emailing GamingOnLinux directly.
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