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World Turtles is a wholesome city-builder that has you build on top of a massive turtle, to save it and perhaps meet more space turtles. Something like that anyway.

Sounds like a wonderful idea actually, although a bit weird. The developers say that "Space can be a harsh and unforgiving place, especially to an enormous Turtle. Like the Meeps, their World Turtle also needs your guidance to stay safe and nurtured. And while you’re at it, maybe you can save some others as well…"

It's quite a bit Settlers-like, more than a traditional city-builder. You have dedicated people walking around doing jobs, building and exploring while you're setting up tasks for them all. There's a demo available, which while rough gives quite a nice idea of what could turn into a great game.

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It's going to release into Early Access but there's no definite date on that yet. Coming from solo developer Re: cOg Mission, it's again impressive to see what a single person can do.

Try out the demo and follow on Steam.

Article taken from GamingOnLinux.com.
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I am the owner of GamingOnLinux. After discovering Linux back in the days of Mandrake in 2003, I constantly came back to check on the progress of Linux until Ubuntu appeared on the scene and it helped me to really love it. You can reach me easily by emailing GamingOnLinux directly.
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Rooster Apr 30, 2021
Wait so will you be able to control the settlers manually or is that just a different camera view?
FredO Apr 30, 2021
Terry Pratchett would approve
tuubi Apr 30, 2021
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Quoting: FredOTerry Pratchett would approve
Needs more elephants.
GideonGriebenow May 4, 2021
Quoting: RoosterWait so will you be able to control the settlers manually or is that just a different camera view?
Hi. Developer here. At the moment it’s just a view, but I would really like to include some controls in such a view. I’m still thinking about what would fit.
Rooster May 4, 2021
Quoting: GideonGriebenow
Quoting: RoosterWait so will you be able to control the settlers manually or is that just a different camera view?
Hi. Developer here. At the moment it’s just a view, but I would really like to include some controls in such a view. I’m still thinking about what would fit.

That sounds awesome, I'm a real sucker for combinations of strategy and any kind of 3th/1st person control in it. Thank you for the reply.
GideonGriebenow May 5, 2021
No problem. There's just so many things I'd like to try out and develop that I can't get to everything soon enough. For now I'm just trying to put forward a very polished vertical slice that "plays comfortably" and doesn't look "patched together", and bit by bit I'm expanding on it ;)
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