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Releasing on June 16, Paradox and Double Eleven confirmed today that Prison Architect: Second Chances is the next expansion for the prison building sim allowing you more ways to rehabilitate inmates.

Offering up multiple new ways to ensure inmates get a chance at redemption, each program in Prison Architect: Second Chances offers a different means of rehabilitating a prisoner and changing their behaviour. These will include chatting to civilians, take on classes to prevent conflicts, pet a dog and more. After all, prison isn't just about being locked up right? Not everything deserves the key being thrown away. However, some inmates will reoffend so be prepared for the costs.

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"Inmate rehabilitation in Prison Architect is something we have wanted to explore for a while, but we needed to research how to do it properly first," says Gaz Wright, Games Design Manager on Prison Architect at Double Eleven. "The programs in this expansion have been implemented in correctional facilities around the world and have started to see real results. We strived to make their implementation in Prison Architect feel authentic while maintaining the signature style players have come to expect from the game."

Feature Highlight:

  • Return to Reform: Non-work programs, such as Animal Therapy, Meet & Greet, and Former Prisoner Classes can remove an inmate's negative traits and see improved behaviors.
  • Good Behavior: Inmates can have their sentences reduced or increased based on their actions and reoffenders can now be sent back to prison. Players will be fined for each reoffender.
  • Room for Improvement: Inmates with existing or earned work credentials can become vendors to both prisoners and visitors in inmate-run rooms, including a Bakery, Restaurant and Therapy Room. 
  • Back to Society: Inmates can earn work credentials through experience partaking in different work and training programs.

You can buy Prison Architect from GOG, Humble Store and Steam.

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