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We've seen numerous game streaming services now like Stadia, GeForce Now, Xbox Cloud Gaming, Amazon Luna and probably more to come. They all focus on the new and shiny but what about old games? Piepacker is going to be a hit for that.

In a previous article we already went over the details of their initial announcement and Kickstarter, which has been a blinding success ended up on $220,656 in funding from over 1,000 backers. The idea is great too, giving you a legally licensed way to play retro games online in a web browser, and bring a bunch of friends along with you. It has integrated controller, webcam and microphone support to make playing older games with friends across the world an interesting and unique experience.

The Piepacker team gave us early access to take a look, so we took it for an initial spin and it worked perfectly on Linux. As long as you have a Chromium/Chrome based browser (Firefox support is to come). Check out our first video on it below for some impressions:

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It's pretty safe to say we're sold on it.

Works exactly as you expect and want it to, with it all being click and play. Being able to send a link to someone who doesn't have an account, to have them join your game in a few seconds is really quite awesome. It's a clever way to use game streaming tech that could quite easily carve out a nice audience.

Check out Piepacker on the official site. It will be opening up to everyone sometime "soon".

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I am the owner of GamingOnLinux. After discovering Linux back in the days of Mandrake in 2003, I constantly came back to check on the progress of Linux until Ubuntu appeared on the scene and it helped me to really love it. You can reach me easily by emailing GamingOnLinux directly.
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slaapliedje Jun 1, 2021
Antstream works on Linux and hasn't had much of a mention here, but it also has a ton of retro games on it. Though you can feel the latency on some games (like Metal Slug) but I could play Burgertime and such quite well! They have lots of games from arcade to Amiga, etc.
Mezron Jun 1, 2021
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Quoting: slaapliedjeAntstream works on Linux and hasn't had much of a mention here, but it also has a ton of retro games on it. Though you can feel the latency on some games (like Metal Slug) but I could play Burgertime and such quite well! They have lots of games from arcade to Amiga, etc.

Did they ever add MP to that? The big deal is MP with retro games. Also Metal Slug 1 was SLOW even on the original MVS cab. It's the most unpolished game of the series. Source: Owned and original MVS cab with it and 3 other games from the 90's.
slaapliedje Jun 2, 2021
Quoting: Arcadius-8606
Quoting: slaapliedjeAntstream works on Linux and hasn't had much of a mention here, but it also has a ton of retro games on it. Though you can feel the latency on some games (like Metal Slug) but I could play Burgertime and such quite well! They have lots of games from arcade to Amiga, etc.

Did they ever add MP to that? The big deal is MP with retro games. Also Metal Slug 1 was SLOW even on the original MVS cab. It's the most unpolished game of the series. Source: Owned and original MVS cab with it and 3 other games from the 90's.
I'll have to check again and report back about MP. I thought it was really the only thing missing on it (not that I actually like playing games multiplayer with strangers). They do have an amazing high score thing, though I felt like there were AI bots or something that held the top three for every single game....
Mezron Jun 2, 2021
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Quoting: slaapliedjeI'll have to check again and report back about MP. I thought it was really the only thing missing on it (not that I actually like playing games multiplayer with strangers). They do have an amazing high score thing, though I felt like there were AI bots or something that held the top three for every single game....

I don't play games online with strangers myself but I have a lot of friends and family that I play with and online MP is a must have these days since LAN gatherings were killed when the latest pandemic hit.
slaapliedje Jun 3, 2021
Quoting: Arcadius-8606
Quoting: slaapliedjeI'll have to check again and report back about MP. I thought it was really the only thing missing on it (not that I actually like playing games multiplayer with strangers). They do have an amazing high score thing, though I felt like there were AI bots or something that held the top three for every single game....

I don't play games online with strangers myself but I have a lot of friends and family that I play with and online MP is a must have these days since LAN gatherings were killed when the latest pandemic hit.
MMOs (specifically WoW) killed our LAN games... but that was many moons ago.
Mezron Jun 4, 2021
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Quoting: slaapliedjeMMOs (specifically WoW) killed our LAN games... but that was many moons ago.

Sorry to hear that. My original crew was 17 deep. We lost some around 2000ish when many of us became parents. Dwindled down to 6 to 9. Then around 2010 spiked back up for a few years to 15 to 17 bi-weekly. Now we are a solid 9 with ppl floating in and out to as high as 23 on good weekends.
slaapliedje Jun 4, 2021
Quoting: Arcadius-8606
Quoting: slaapliedjeMMOs (specifically WoW) killed our LAN games... but that was many moons ago.

Sorry to hear that. My original crew was 17 deep. We lost some around 2000ish when many of us became parents. Dwindled down to 6 to 9. Then around 2010 spiked back up for a few years to 15 to 17 bi-weekly. Now we are a solid 9 with ppl floating in and out to as high as 23 on good weekends.
Nice! These days I prefer to get together to play RPGs and not have to lug thousands of dollars of equipment around. Or in the case of most of my friends, they don't even have rigs that can game decently enough anyhow. Though sadly... I do have enough old hardware that if we did a LAN party with some older games, I own enough for myself that people wouldn't have to bring their own :P Cheap thinkpads on ebay... kind of a curse!
Mezron Jun 4, 2021
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Quoting: Arcadius-8606Nice! These days I prefer to get together to play RPGs and not have to lug thousands of dollars of equipment around. Or in the case of most of my friends, they don't even have rigs that can game decently enough anyhow. Though sadly... I do have enough old hardware that if we did a LAN party with some older games, I own enough for myself that people wouldn't have to bring their own :P Cheap thinkpads on ebay... kind of a curse!

I had a 8 man LAN setup with Dell Optiplex desktops from 2012 to 2016 that I got for free from my job as they were upgrading. Those machines ran games from Doom (1993) to UT2k4, Xonotic, L4D2, Killing Floor with no issue. I also had arcade cabs + custom Raspberry Pi cabs. I sold it all. Moved to a small home. My most recent LAN meet was during this past weekend and we all played on a mix of laptops (their own) and local MP games on my HTPCs.

My family stayed in the low tier of computer gaming and don't go over $400 for a new rig or $800 for a new laptop. That said I'm great at getting deals and finding physical freebies.

We do play some board games and miniature games like - Cards Against Humanity, DS9 Fluxx, Zombies!!!, Heroclix, Marvel/DC/Valiant Deckbuilder and Hero's Quest along with card games like Poker, Spades, Uno and the like.
14 Jun 6, 2021
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This is pretty cool because there are rare moments I'd like to play some old games from childhood but not enough to take a course on emulation choices and obtaining ROM's. Driver, Driver 2, Tony Hawk's Pro Skater 1+2, Rush 2049 (I think), Vigilante 8, TMNT....
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