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Doctor needed in the surgery! CorsixTH, the wonderful free and open source game engine reimplementation for the incredible classic that is Theme Hospital has a big new Beta out.

This will be the first release of CorsixTH in almost a year, so there's quite a lot to look forward to. Why use CorsixTH though? Well, on top of adding native support for modern operating systems it offers up many enhancements like high resolution, more translations, new game modes, bigger maps and so much more.

CorsixTH 0.65-beta1 adds these new features:

  • Hospital policies will now carry over to your next level in the campaign
  • You can now remove destroyed rooms for a fee (config option)
  • The information dialogs that appear when a room is first built can be
    disabled in the configuration file
  • Fire extinguishers in rooms now have a chance to save a smoking machine
  • More adviser messages added
  • New trophy added
  • Windows and room size now impact staff happiness
  • Roujin's challenge cheat is back

There's also a number of other general improvements like not giving you emergencies with unknown diseases which would be impossible to handle, the VIP system was overhauled, treatment pricing scales with difficulty, boiler breakdowns depend on handymen, receptionist announcement frequency and behaviour improvements and there's quite a few bug fixes to make the experience smoother too.

Find out more about CorsixTH on the GitHub. It requires you the original data files which you can buy on

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I am the owner of GamingOnLinux. After discovering Linux back in the days of Mandrake in 2003, I constantly came back to check on the progress of Linux until Ubuntu appeared on the scene and it helped me to really love it. You can reach me easily by emailing GamingOnLinux directly.
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1 comment

cifa May 26, 2021
Amazing. Never knew this existed. Thanks for the headsup.
The wife loved it in the days of old
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